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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

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Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

For dinner last night had some beef strips with onion - of course - in the slow cooker. Cooked them a tad too long but still very good. Also fixed some scalloped potatoes and broccoli - very good dinner. Was a super busy day with washing clothes, running errands and working my you know what off here and ALSO hauling Davey to and from school as well as watching the little ones most of the day and running errands for clothes for both kids. With the weather getting cooler their cool/cold weather clothes do not fit them so had to find new ones. Ouch!!. Very very tired and did not sleep any too well - also Powers that Be came by to discuss what I still need to do with the little ones. Very stressful but had to be done. Did not sleep any too well but shortly will get Davey in gear for school - and his friend also needs a ride this morning. Guess I had best get myself in gear would you not say?


Soushi, miss you here!!! Also some others have been scarce. We miss yhou.

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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

@Winifred wrote:

Here it is October - we had a prepackaged roast with onions, red potatoes and baby carrots PLUS seasoning for dinner last night. Aldi's had these pre-packaged and on sale for $8.00 - bought three of them for that price. Of course Davey finished it up. It would easily serve three adults and to me that was a great price - no leftovers however.  While I love leftovers there are times I do not want them crowding my small Fridge which I bought when I lived alone. LOL. Occasionally I have to toss food and that just kills me.


Now for tonight - of course I do not have a clue. The little girl is still asleep and Ricky is visiting his Sherry and Matt - he adores them He will return either tonight or tomorrow. Now my problem is to get Davey in gear, he is getting worse and worse when it comes to doing anything productive here. Not sure if his Dad is coming by this weekend but if he is I will probably yell at him to try and help as Davey WILL do things if his Dad is behind him. LOL.


Hope one and all have a great day. Preds, you can start this thread any time you want to since you are up so early. Don't be bashful. LOVE your daily greetings!!!!


The roast kits are back at Aldi.  I picked up a cabernet marinated beef roast from TJ's last week.  I made my own kit by adding carrots, onions and potatoes.  It's in the crock pot now!


I'm visiting Mom and Dad this weekend, so I hope Hubby and the kids don't devour it in one sitting.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

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Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

HonnyBrown, thanks for the info on the packaged roast meals at Aldi's. We really enjoyed the ones we had. Will probably go and buy a couple more. They are small but work with no leftovers however - sometimes that is good. Did go to Foods 4 Less yesterday as they have their boneless chuck roasts on sale for under $3 a pound. Very good meat and a very good price. They had no roasts on sale for perhaps 3 months which had surprised me. Also their family packages are not as large as they once were. Wonder why these changes. But I bought two packges, each with 2 roasts. Nothing better than a good roast. Groceries have gotten really expensive have they not?


Yesterday was another busy day and I did not finish my must to do things until late so got McDonalds. I have decided when I do buy that for anyone here, it will not include me. I keep trying to eat something they have but I think their food is soooooooo horrible - just cannot eat it. A waste of $$. i can always have a bowl of oatmeal I guess on those occasions. Do know Ricky loves their chicken tenders. LOL


Today is Davey's BD - still have to get him to school and go pick up a friend too. They seem to have a lot of trouble with their transportation.Joey lives with his grandmother and father and the dad goes to work super early in the a.m. and too early to drop Jody off at school I guess. Interesting they seem to have a ton of kinfolk around here but he has a hard time getting to school. Guess Grandma's car will not run - she just got it used a few months back. She had a real old Ranger but it gave out completely. It is still sitting in her driveway. I would think she could sell it to a junk yard or person for a couple 100 and get rid of the thing out of her driveway. Not my business but if it has for sure reached the point of no return, then get it off the property. It is a mess.


Suppose to have more rain coming - sure hope so.


Dinner tonight? Well it IS DAvey's BD and he loves roasts so that may be just it. Eat well everyone.

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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

Missed that it was Daveys birthday yesterday.    Happy Belated Birthday!   I'm sure your mom and great grandma made it special.  

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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

He did just fine - an XBox 1 znd two games. What more could a 16 year old want? And his grades continue getting better at school. Geesh, do you think he may eventually graduate? Was about giving up on him - and of course I never threatened him. Wink. !! AM proud of him and pray he continues going up and up.


Would love to just sit in the tub and soak - maybe one of these days. LOL.  roast with cabbage and onions in the slow cooker and then had corn and collards separately. So where were the potatoes? Forget it - figured the veggies would be a better meal!!!!!


Am so very glad this week is nearing an end - Monday I go and get a Cortisone shot in the left hand. It did not do much for the right hand and I am very disappointed in that. Hate those shots and have not had any in two years because I felt they were worthless - Is it me/ I hear others swear by them - not so in my book.


Hope one and all had some good eating today. We should get some rain by Sunday - YES!!!!

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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

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Good Morning!

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What's Cooking in October 2016?

Image result for happy halloween

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."