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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

I didn't fix any dinner last night so no cooking conversation from me - getting to be a habit.


Not as hot yesterday as we have been having - thank goodness for small favors. Actually it was very nice and did not even turn any AC on until perhaps somewhere around 5 - those things had been running for several days from early morning.


The little one is up and rolling - she will be doing the hungry dance shortly. She is so sweet - had forgotten how sweet some little ones truly are - can you believe although she does have some teething spells she does not yet have one single tooth. She just turned 10 months old and her brother has had a mouth full of teeth since he was a bit over one - I recall him getting his first tooth somewhere around 6 months.


Hope one and all have a very good time. Soushi, you stay in my prayers.

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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

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Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

I have all the fixings for a barbecue on the grill but am not sure if that will happen. LOL. I am picking Miss Mary up - she is a 90 year old who was placed in assisted living about a month ago and is miserable - and taking her to the holiday "potluck" (management furnishes all the food this time) - at the mobile home park she had lived at for many years. She is excited about that. That is 3 in the afternoon. They are also having a barbecue where she now lives and the owner told me yesterday theirs is around 5 - suspect Mary will be able to eat twice. I feel strongly she is not getting much attention from her family. She has a ton of grands, etc yet none have visited her. Daughter and son in Arizona have not seen her in ages and the one son who lives here cannot stand her - just not right.


Was not suppose to get as hot yesterday as what we have been having - it was miserable.


I slept well but the nights are way too short for me - feel as if I did not sleep much and yet I did. Is that yet another sign of old age.


Have a great Fourth of July and let us all not forget to remember how fortunate we are in this country - although not perfect, but then neither are we - to live here. Again, have a great day.

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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

I hope everyone has a nice 4th of July. 



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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

[ Edited ]

Hi Jaxsmom - hope your Fourth has been a good one also. Took Mary to the  potluck at the mobile home park she  use to live in. She enjoyed it. The park does all the cooking on the Fourth and they put on quite a spread. My granddaughter is cooking for herself and a friend so I guess all that food I got will not go to waste - actually had thought there would be two others here today, Davey and Ricky - not happening. Davey went to Bakersfield for a couple weeks and Ricky is with Aunt Sherry and Uncle Matt.  Little Miss Leah ate her dinner which was NOT grilled food. LOL.


Very oppressive here today - not as hot as we have had but the air is horribly THICK and it makes it difficult to breathe. Those ACs are getting a workout for sure. But in about 30 minutes can turn them off as when the sun goes further West toward our ocean the heat often goes with it. YES!!


Miss the people who were stopping by - again I know many have things in their lives which are not the best - always praying for one and all for better times ahead. You are all very much missed.


So far have not heard one single boom of any kind. That is most unusual as while fireworks are NOT allowed in this area - too hot and too dry and a big fire hazard - there always those who buy them near by and set them off. Scares me to death as so many have started fires and with our drought here green grass is few and far between. There will be a controlled fireworks at the high school at 9 p.m. our time - never earlier - too hot.


Take care one and all.

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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

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Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

Shannon did fix corn, baked beans, hot dogs and buns - all on the grill yesterday. Was impressed.


Still in shock over the illegal fireworks being at an absolute minimum. Maybe next year there will be none. None at all yesterday until after the legal display at the high school. guess some just had to do it. I always get very nervous as everything is so very dry out here. Did see on TV this morning where one home burned due to fireworks they had at that home. No comment.


Very chilly last night - finally. Slept very well.


Hope all have a great day. Do hope some will stop by here - getting a tad lonesome.



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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

I just now found this thread, as it dawned on me that it was July now so looked for it.


Two big days in the garden, so Sunday we had charcoal grilled ribeyes with a baked potato for DH and peas.  Yesterday, oven ribs with corn on the cob.  Watermelon for lunch both days, as there is nothing better than cold, juicy sweet watermelon on hot days, and the melon I bopught last week at Costco is fantastic.  I find it is hiss and miss on watermelons, but this is one of the best I have tasted in years.

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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

@Winifred wrote:

I didn't fix any dinner last night so no cooking conversation from me - getting to be a habit.


Not as hot yesterday as we have been having - thank goodness for small favors. Actually it was very nice and did not even turn any AC on until perhaps somewhere around 5 - those things had been running for several days from early morning.


The little one is up and rolling - she will be doing the hungry dance shortly. She is so sweet - had forgotten how sweet some little ones truly are - can you believe although she does have some teething spells she does not yet have one single tooth. She just turned 10 months old and her brother has had a mouth full of teeth since he was a bit over one - I recall him getting his first tooth somewhere around 6 months.


Hope one and all have a very good time. Soushi, you stay in my prayers.


@Winifred  DD teethed on the crusts of French bread, and I recall no issues with her teething, also used the coffee table, lol, and crib.

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Re: What's Cooking in July - already July???

I baked my first ever loaf of bread.  And it was actually edible.  Although it didn't taste like anything.  I'm not sure if that was good or bad.  I was actually quite proud of myself.   Between that and my navajo tacos, I was in a groove.   Smiley Happy