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Registered: ‎04-26-2013

Re: What is cooking at your house this December?

Happy New Year Everyone!

Preds, I'll be at the party with bells on, best invite I've had.

Soushi, glad you're settled in FL, but sorry to hear about your computer, how we've become so dependent on something we never had for most of our lives, mind boggling!,I know I'd be lost, do have a tablet but don't really like it. Enjoy dinner

Winifred, still cooking up a storm & it always sounds so good, I love veggies, grew up mostly with almost any veggie w/pasta, Italian family & meat was too expensive but as kids we didn't know that, only that the food was delicious! Mom made a zucchini (sp) stew, no meat, but she poached eggs on top before serving, love it, I make mine to put over polenta, yum!

Quiet nite here, other than Preds party, so think I'll be in bed early.

Take Care All, see you next year

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Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What is cooking at your house this December?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."