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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

[ Edited ]

1. Plain Shredded Wheat

2. Plain Original Cheerios

3. Rice Chex/Corn Chex/Wheat Chex

On my cereals I put seasonal fruits with low-fat milk.  Also use these basic cereals to make Shredded Wheat bread, Original Chex Mix and use Cherrios for snacking.

Have never liked any sugared cereals, I want substance without sugar.

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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

Plain Cheerios - the only one I eat.


A bit of a sore spot today, because I purchased two boxes this morning at Publix, supposed to be a BOGO and got home to find it didn't ring up with the special price. Grrr...

~ house cat ~
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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

We alternate between cereal and half bagel with coffee. I've been eating the same trilogy of ceral for years. I mix togrther store brands of mini wheats, cinnamon toast crunch, and honey bunches of oats with almonds. Very little milk, never liked it.

Love oatmeal with blueberries when affordable. Grape Nuts are good too. Just let them sit a bit to soften up. 

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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

@house_cat wrote:

Plain Cheerios - the only one I eat.


A bit of a sore spot today, because I purchased two boxes this morning at Publix, supposed to be a BOGO and got home to find it didn't ring up with the special price. Grrr...

@house_cat   Did you get the 8.9 and or the 10.9 ounce boxes?  Only ask because if you picked up a different size it might not have been the ones on sale.

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

@Sooner  How adorable! A cat eating corn. I've had many cats, but none ever showed any interest in corn.


 When I was a child, my Cocker Spaniel did like eating corn off the cob.

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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

@Enufstuff wrote:

@Sooner  How adorable! A cat eating corn. I've had many cats, but none ever showed any interest in corn.


 When I was a child, my Cocker Spaniel did like eating corn off the cob.

@Enufstuff How funny!  Those are the sweetest dogs on earth and you hardly ever see them now.  What a shame.  I had one as a kid.  

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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

I eat Original Cheerios, Rice Krispies and Weetabix.

Sometimes I top my cereals with sliced bananas.


I also make my own granola with oatmeal, honey, sunflower seeds and raisins. "Grannie's Groovy Granola".

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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

[ Edited ]

@Sooner   They were a popular breed in the 1950's, along with

Poodles and Collies.


   My grandmother had a male and a female Cocker Spaniel.

When they had seven puppies, my grandmother let me have the pick of the litter.


  I was eight years old. Cindy was my baby and she lived for 15 years. She loved playing outdoors with me and my brothers and she loved going on vacations to Maine and swimming in Sebago Lake.

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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

Never been a big cereal fan.  My brothers ate lots of cereal for breakfast before school; I asked for soup, a fried bologna or tuna salad sandwich.   

In the 10 years I've been retired, I haven't consumed enough cereal to even fill one entire box.  Plain Cheerios, Rice Krispies, frosted Mini Wheats, and Honey Bunches of Oats are the ones I will eat with a very sparse amount of milk.  I eat cereal fast and pour any leftover milk down the drain.   

My husband easily eats a box of cereal a week.

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Re: What is Your Cereal of Choice?

I never found those lemon cheerios somebody mentioned not in my area.


Now, I see they got strawberry gonna go searching for them tomorrow.