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What Are You Eating This Week?

We have broccoli that needs to be eaten, so that will go with salmon, we have eggplants, one will go with meatballs and sauce, another will be air fryer cooked as breaded sticks to go with burgers.


We also will do a stir fry and make gaba brown rice in the rice cooker, which will also go the next day as a cold grain salad with cherry tomatoes, onions, celery and oil and vinegar dressing with tuna, which we will eat with fruit as a side.


Probably some grits this week too!  Maybe shrimp and grits?


What in your house needs to be eaten?  Woman Very Happy

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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

Oh that's a good one .. Our Gr. Daughter is coming in from New

York to Florida tonight ... I had to ask in the store where to find

Pop Tarts ....!!  Well you can imagine the rest !!!

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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

I have chili that I made with ground turkey, if there is any left after tomorrow I will freeze it . I 'm defrosting a chicken breast , a big one,  that .I will stir fry with some broccoli and mushrooms that need to be used. Toward the end of the week, I'll see what's in the fridge that cane be made into soup. It is reall cold here so hearty food is on the menu. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

Just had a grand meal of salmon and it's back to a small steak tonight. After that, who knows, don't plan very far ahead - perhaps something Italian.


Salads and fresh veggies fill in around the main menu.

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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

Valentine candy LOL

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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

leftover meatloaf.....

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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

@SharkE wrote:

Valentine candy LOL

@SharkE I do hope some have fruit centers and some have nuts for fiber.  You need a good balanced diet you know!  Woman Embarassed

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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

yeah, nuts. I like the  orange and strawberry cremes the best. LOL caramel is ok. Toffee is good too.

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Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

@SharkE Must be last year's box of leftovers.  Do you have a 2022 calendar?



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Posts: 36,506
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: What Are You Eating This Week?

They have had Valentine candy out since Jan 1st