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Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

So tempted, all the food looks so good. For those of you that already own one, have you found any cons with it? Don't want to take up counter space for something that I would not use that often.

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I have a smaller one and I paid the same price.  This looks like a good price.  The divider would also be nice to cook two different things without mixing them. They work great actually.


The cons would be that this will be very large. Mine is pretty large and this one is larger than mine. The 60 day warranty isn't good IMO.  Had I noticed that when I bought mine, I probably wouldn't have bought it.  Mine hasn't quit yet though.  60 days just doesn't say much for their confidence that it will last.

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I own the one from March and love it! I am jealous this one is out now - bigger and with the seperator! Kind of wish I would have waited Smiley Wink Mine sits out on my counter since I use it weekly. I don't turn on my oven in the summer months so this came in very handy. I love it for chicken and pork chops which can sometimes dry out when cooked in the oven. I also like to cook my fish, potstickers and french fries. The shoestring fries come out nice and crispy in about 8 mins or so. If I had to find some cons one would be the non stick seems to be "peeling off " but that could have been how I washed it. Also the cook times don't always add up but that can happen when you bake/cook things in the oven so I do always use a meat thermometer. Another down side is there isn't anything on the web on how to adjust cooking times/temps from oven to the air fryer but I heard in her cook book she has a section for that but I haven't pulled the trigger to pick it up since I really don't use cook books all that often. I'm hoping with all the air fryers coming out on the market that will change. 

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I sent mine back.


It is large and I don't want it on my counter and did not want to store. 


I tried cooking some frozen shrimp. I sprayed them with oil and they were cooked, dry and unevenly brown. I guess I did not know how to use. I just oven "fry" frozen shrimp, and those type things. 


After the pasta maker, bread maker, grills and such, I just don't need any more kitchen gadgets.

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I have the smaller one.  I like it a lot.  I have no cons.  My sister has one.  Her con is it isn't big enough.  

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I guess anyone needs to ask themselves, do you have space on the counter to store?  How many "fried" foods do you eat during the week?  How many times would you really use it during the week? 


I have one thats about 15" in diameter x roughly 12" high and it was rough finding a place to store it. 


You can go crazy with these small appliances but at the end of the day, mine are all lined up and stored away.



I know there's other foods that can be made (mine too) but I just don't make those food items in it.

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I bought the one from Emeril that they had on just a couple of months ago and returned it.  At my expense, of course.  It took up so much counter space!!!  Never did use it.  Sure, it looked like fun during the presentation, but would I actually use it?  Nope!  You really need space to store it--lot of space--or use it daily, which nobody will.  Save your money.

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

The down side for me might not be a down side for someone else.  For me, it is the footprint…it is so large it takes up too much counter space.  There is so many appliances that can make life easier or healthier but there is only so much space in a kitchen.  The bigger the item the more I have to reevaluate the frequency of use long term verses the novelty of it being a fad item that seems like a good idea now but will decrease in use over time.  For me, most of the items this machine makes I can recreate in the oven and be happy with the money & space saved.  I used to want & need all kinds of gadgets & appliances, but after many trips to the Goodwill with limited use long-term, I have gotten a little more analytical about this type of purchase. 

Snarky responders need not reply. Move along and share your views elsewhere.
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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I have the smaller one of this TSV....I do like it..but don't use it as often as I thought I con is its too bulky...I don't have counter space so I have it sitting on my table...which is inconvenient...I have nowhere in my cabinets to store there it sits....I should have thought of that when i bought it...and too expensive to send back...

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Re: Very Tempted by the Todays TSV...Are There Any Cons About It

I don't have one, I'm tempted to buy this one but the short warranty turns me off.

I think by calling it an "air fryer" doesn't do it justice.    As I've mentioned in another thread, convection cooking is great for protein.    Chicken, fish, steak.   You don't cook it as long & the food comes out done & still juicy.


If I buy it, I wouldn't use it to "fry".    I would use it as a roaster.     It's also great for baking, or just doing biscuits or rolls.   I may buy the Nuwave instead, the big one with the glass lid.   I can watch the process.    The price is the same, everything today on easy pay and the warranty is for a year.


Yes you can use your oven but you pull much more electricity than a counter-top applicance.    If that's important to anyone.


I have room to store it & I have a dedicated corner of my counter where I put my small appliances when I need them.    Except for my Vitamix, which stays on my counter all the time, I use it that much.


@luvdoodles wrote:

So tempted, all the food looks so good. For those of you that already own one, have you found any cons with it? Don't want to take up counter space for something that I would not use that often.