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Re: 🍅 Tomato Sandwich 🍅

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I had my first tomato sandwich of the season with a fresh tomato from the farm stand !  Best lunch ever !  Last night I had sweet corn 🌽  for dinner, I just love summer produce. 


We just had our first one!  On squishy white bread with mayo, salt and pepper like in days of yore.  


Come to think of it, there is probably no such thing as a bad tomato sandwich.  👍🏻😎🥳


(We have three tomato plants that got a late start, Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, and Celebrity.  Of the three, only Cherokee is getting ripe).

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Re: 🍅 Tomato Sandwich 🍅

How funny that I found this thread! This weekend my family went to a small outdoor party for our friend's little boy (social distancing in place) and there were burgers. I didn't feel like having meat and there were homegrown tomato slices so I took a hamburger bun, laid a couple of tomato slices on it, salted it, and oh my gosh was it good! 


The burger did get a little soggy where the tomatoes touched it but it was a good kind of soggy. Everyone thought it was weird, and I didn't even know tomato sandwiches were a thing. My husband was the only one who heard of it because a guy at his fire station makes them but he adds mayo which I did not. But I can't believe how good such a simple thing could be.

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Re: 🍅 Tomato Sandwich 🍅

Fresh tomatoes are the best. I grab handfuls of cherry tomatoes from my plants and eat them when they are still warm from the sun.

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Re: 🍅 Tomato Sandwich 🍅

My beautiful heirloom tomatoes from Philip are finally turning red (and orange and yellow) so fave sandwich time. Grilled cheese (sharp cheddar) with killer BIG heirloom tomatoe slices on it and cut crosswise so it has points to dip in a little pot of Catalina dressing. Perfection! I'm off to the kitchen.