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Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

Chris continues to post on instagram under her QVC moniker showing LocknLock products.  Maybe this is just a long break and she will return at some point.  


David mentioned last week that Patty was the interim host, she seems to still struggle to present.

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

Get her back !  How about a raise?  We really miss her out here in QVC Land.  I'm afraid they are just frantically auditioning new people.

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning



Agree 100%!  She has great ideas and easy to watch.


Not that I need more LnL ha.  

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

Mixed opinion here....was ready for a change from "you can do that".

Had enough of that for sure.


But...Patty can't take clues when to stop the babble and smooth out the edges in her presentations.


Vote - a new vendor rep.


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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

I was wondering if anyone else heard David use the word "interim" last Sunday when referring to Patty. I don't know if Chris will ever return or not but I wish she would. To me she truly is LocknLock. And she is missed!

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

I do not dislike Patty, but prefer Chris.  Partly because I am used to her after all of these years.  The current vendor, interim or not, will hopefully improve.  I guess that my main point is that the best scenario would be that Chris chooses to do what makes her happy.



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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

And why oh why can't someone stop Patty from saying "you know what" constantly over and over.

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

[ Edited ]

I love Chris. She's not coming back. I think David just used the wrong term last week in referencing Patti, and now that it has been a couple of months since Chris left, the kind and practical thing to do would be to stop talking about her all the time; it is often a bit awkward and is actually a bit disrespectful to Patti. In all other presentations besides that one last Sunday, it has seemed very clear that Patti has resumed the role of full-time rep for LocknLock, so it is unlikely that she's going anywhere.


And for those who complain about the repetitive "you know what / guess what" and "you can do that" from Patti—Chris used exactly those terms in all of her presentations. Yes, ALL of them. I like both ladies, but some variety is always preferred.



ETA: I just checked Chris' old QVC Instagram account, and she added a comment there a few weeks ago noting that she's still occasionally helping with promotions and "behind the scenes" content for now; she indicated they might be getting an additional person to help with this in the future. She definitely updates her current personal profile more often than the QVC profile (@chrisprymeandminnie and @chrisprymeqvc), and she sometimes posts the same L&L content on both.

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

[ Edited ]

  Can' they get a Rep who  maybe  excells in home design & storage to use  different phrases in describes how where we can use Lockn Lock other than to store food. 

We get it any leftover can fit into various size containers but many of us use them for other types of storage .

 Can you find a Rep whose style  is not such " out of the barnyard yelling frantic " type.

Currently muting or not watching the Lockn Lock shows  with Patty

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

I thought Chris retired. That was what she and David had said in her last day.