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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

@loriqvc wrote:

I love Chris. She's not coming back. I think David just used the wrong term last week in referencing Patti, and now that it has been a couple of months since Chris left, the kind and practical thing to do would be to stop talking about her all the time; it is often a bit awkward and is actually a bit disrespectful to Patti. In all other presentations besides that one last Sunday, it has seemed very clear that Patti has resumed the role of full-time rep for LocknLock, so it is unlikely that she's going anywhere.


And for those who complain about the repetitive "you know what / guess what" and "you can do that" from Patti—Chris used exactly those terms in all of her presentations. Yes, ALL of them. I like both ladies, but some variety is always preferred.



ETA: I just checked Chris' old QVC Instagram account, and she added a comment there a few weeks ago noting that she's still occasionally helping with promotions and "behind the scenes" content for now; she indicated they might be getting an additional person to help with this in the future. She definitely updates her current personal profile more often than the QVC profile (@chrisprymeandminnie and @chrisprymeqvc), and she sometimes posts the same L&L content on both.



Appreciate your comments.  Patti does drive her repetitive phrases into the ground, more so than Chris did.  I don't watch LnL much any longer but did catch the You Know What twice in one sentence.   It seems Patti is on automatic pilot and not aware of her speech patterns.


Much bigger things to think about in life but you'd think it is someone's job at QVC to review tapes of demonstrations.



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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

@rockygems123 wrote:

Chris continues to post on instagram under her QVC moniker showing LocknLock products.  Maybe this is just a long break and she will return at some point.  


From our lips to God's ears!!


David mentioned last week that Patty was the interim host, she seems to still struggle to present.

That's an understatement.  She must say DV's name 30 times in a minute.  I think he knows his name at his age by now--so annoying.  Can't watch her AT ALL!!

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

@lovemybichonfrise wrote:


That's an understatement.  She must say DV's name 30 times in a minute.  I think he knows his name at his age by now--so annoying.  Can't watch her AT ALL!!



@lovemybichonfrise - I noticed they all do this, shortly after I started watching QVC. He seems to be the only host that receives the "repetitive name" saying. Melissa Fleming Epps repeats his name a lot also. I've noticed even brand new vendors repeat David's name a lot. 

I think vendors are advised to say David's name over and over again, for whatever reason. 

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

Chris has retired after years and years of serving her company and her fans.
Let us all wish her thank you and happiness.
All that truly matters is the company does not continue to cheapen the materials Lock N Lock is made of.
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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

@beach-mom wrote:

@lovemybichonfrise wrote:


That's an understatement.  She must say DV's name 30 times in a minute.  I think he knows his name at his age by now--so annoying.  Can't watch her AT ALL!!



@lovemybichonfrise - I noticed they all do this, shortly after I started watching QVC. He seems to be the only host that receives the "repetitive name" saying. Melissa Fleming Epps repeats his name a lot also. I've noticed even brand new vendors repeat David's name a lot. 

I think vendors are advised to say David's name over and over again, for whatever reason. 



David's ego is massive and loves to hear his name mentioned. My opinion.

Wasn't it this time years ago that Bob Bowersox was replaced by David?

My dears sister and I heard about his replacement in Germany during the Christmas Holidays.

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

Chris is very special and we love her. We will grow to love 


patti too Be kind! Change can be difficult for all.


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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

My kids and I have made a game out of counting how many times Patty says “you know what”. She said it 4 times in one sentence tonight! It drives us insane, and my kids can’t believe she’s on tv doing that. As a bonus, we started counting her saying “and stuff like that”. That’s another one you’ll hear multiple times per presentation. Patty, please STOP USING “YOU KNOW WHAT” as filler words in almost every sentence. Yes, I know what so you can stop asking.
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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

@Twins Mom from AL 


Whatever you do, don't let your kids near the liqour cabinet when Patty is on....where you'd take a shot each time she blurts out "And you know what???" know what?...they'd be bombed in half an hour's time!!!!

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

Chris was a very good rep. for LNL.I will try to be kind,but Patti seems very nervous and I cannot watch,because it is not comfortable.Please give her some more training. Thank You.

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Re: Thinking Chris Pryme LnL May be Returning

I think that there is probably going to be a new vendor representative.  I wonder if it might be Carolyn Gracie?