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Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

Wondering if anyone else had a lid it to crack in oven. I used a lid it, taken straight from my cabinet, and oven was set on 375 degrees. Temptataions is guaranteed to go into oven up to 500 degrees. 

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Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

I have had my temptations for years - no problems.  But I hear more complaints about breakage than I did back then. 

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Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

[ Edited ]

@carjam wrote:

Wondering if anyone else had a lid it to crack in oven. I used a lid it, taken straight from my cabinet, and oven was set on 375 degrees. Temptataions is guaranteed to go into oven up to 500 degrees. 

Consider yourelf "lucky". I had a 9x13 pan filled with lasagna crack into pieces...all over the floor of my oven. It was in at 350 degrees - freshly made, not cold from the refrigerator either.

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Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

I remember seeing a LOT of posts about this 'lid it' thing breaking in half, when they first came out.  


Just hang tough because there will be those who will call you a liar and a troll for expressing negative views of this product line.


I think that they do replacements but it will cost you $10.  (they say the replacement is free but the shipping is $10 - how's that for b.s.?)  Smiley Happy

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Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

I only bought one item from this line when the polka dots came out and it went into the trash because I wasn't going to take any chances.  

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Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

Yes, I had a lit-it crack while roasting veggies. I got a replacement for the price of the shipping, which I thought was fair. Other than some crazing on two of my lid-its, there have been no problems with my other bakers, and I use them on a weekly basis for casseroles  meats and baking corn bread, etc. My daughter and daughter-in-law both have Temptations, and they don't report any problems. I don't know how to explain the disparity between the good and bad reviews of this product. Poor quality control?

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Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

I just called the Presidents office regarding the cookie sheet that exploded in my oven last night. I was told to call temptations. They asked about my oven. It was on 375. This is not the first time this has happened. Someone is going to get hurt. Shards were on the bottom of the oven. God forbid you open the oven door and it explodes when you are taking it out. The sheet was in 4 pieces. They want 9.99 for a new one shipped. I wont be buying any more. I have alot and they look pretty but enough is enough!!!!!

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Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

I do not think the OP is a liar or a troll, but I think that anyone who uses stoneware must accept the reality that thermal shock occurs.  Not only can this happen with this product line, but it can (nd does) happen with much more expensive (and higher quality) stoneware as well.  Although the incidents are rare, it will occur, because that is simply the nature of the product


Yes, there are things that can be done to reduce the chances, and one of them is not to use stoneware for roasting.  Roasting results in uneven heat across the vessel, and this increases chances of cracking.  Because of this, I find the whole concept of the ?Lid It? to be a bad idea.  Using tnis product for roasting or baking cookies or rolls only invites problems.


Honestly, for best results, you cannot beat high quality metal bakeware.  There is a reason commercial kitchens and bakeries are not buying and using products like Temp-Tations

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Registered: ‎05-12-2012

Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

Very scary stories.....took all my Temptations and threw them in the trash.....wouldn't even donate them for fear someone would get hurt.....husband asked me what the heck I was doing!  Back to my vintage Pyrex.......


Valued Contributor
Posts: 563
Registered: ‎02-10-2014

Re: Temptations lid it cracked in half in oven

I had a lid crack on me too, years ago. I never said anything because I figured I had done something wrong. Wish I had said something back then...