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TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

I went to Sams today and what I needed had been moved to the back of the I was walking back -- I saw a aisle with "clearance" things.  I guess they're making room for Christmas because trees were already stacked in the front end and some Fall decor & toys.


Much to my surprise were several sets of Mad Hungry spurtles.  I think they were $11 vs. 19.99 during last holiday. Someone is going to get a great buy🙂.  If you have Sams might find them at yours.

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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

I read during one of the TSV threads that someone purchased the spurtles at Sams for less and this was the reason I did not purchase...thanks for sharing as I have a planned trip to Sams tomorrow and will be on the lookout!!!!

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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

I've looked for these spurtles a couple times at Sam's and they never carried them here.

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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

They sell out quickly.

I go about once a week, saw them once, gone the next week.

I don't think they get many in at a time.


@Tyak wrote:

I've looked for these spurtles a couple times at Sam's and they never carried them here.


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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

I bought a set of sourtles at Sam’s that was different than the TSV. I use them so often I was delighted to pony up $30 for the TSV. It has a couple of sizes and shapes I don’t have and duplicates of the ones I use most often.
Posts: 60
Registered: ‎07-17-2017

Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

[ Edited ]


I ordered the Spurtle TSV on 8/22 and they still haven't shipped yet.  I called CS and was told that they are delayed 5 to 7 days.  CS told me they just found that info out today.   I can not cancel them. The good news is when they arrive I can send them back and will not be charged the return shipping cost and I will get the initial shipping cost refunded also.


I don't have a Sam's in NYC.  The nearest one to me is in NJ.  I love Lot-Less and visited my local store today and they have new great silicone utensils.  At least 4 out of the 7 in the Spurtle set can pass as the same thing and they are only 2.99 each. I'm going back tomorrow to buy them.


I have a few silicone pieces I purchased from Avon years ago and they are still going strong.  I love spreading peanut butter and jelly with the one shaped like the butterknife spurtle.  The curved shaped spatula I love to use for flipping and scraping everything liquid (like scrambled eggs) out of the mixing bowl and my pasta sauce jars.


It's a wonderful thing to have options.  

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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

Mine shipped and I am eagerly awaiting them! Got the cobalt blue.

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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

I received my QVC set today, and I'm very pleased. Seven Spurtles and they have substance to them - not at all cheaply made or light weight. I know that Sam's sometimes carries these items (or similar items), but I've yet to be able to find any of them at my local Sam's. For me, this was a good price for what I recieved and I'm happy.

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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

The spurtles were shipped from Ontario, Ca. which explains why mine were delivered less than 72 hours after ordering.  Uusally it takes about 2 weeks for an item to make it to Nevada for past orders.  I was shocked to see them in my mailbox that soon.

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Re: TSV Spurtles (multi colored) was at Sams on "clearance"

I just got my set and the package looked as if it had been through a war zone.  It was open on 3 sides and it looked as if someone had taped it up at some point, but when it got here it was open even the flap on one of the short ends was ripped off.  I am just amazed all 7 spurtles arrived.  Have not yet gotten them out of their individual plastic packaging.