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Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

[ Edited ]

@Carmie   I also miss the Stella D'oro Anginetti cookies.

                  I used to make the little cream puffs with the

                  pineapple filling, too. They were so delicious and so easy to make. I wish that they could bring Anginetti back.


                   For two bridal showers, I made them into little

                  cream puff swans. The wings were two slices of the

                  cookie and the neck and head , I shaped from   almond paste.


                     To display them,I took a large oval shaped antique mirror and covered the glass with aqua color plastic wrap.

Then I took fresh flowers and greens and placed them along the wood frame to border the "pond".


                     The little swans were placed on the plastic covered mirror "pond". It was so pretty with all the little

swans floating on the "pond".


                    For one daughter's shower, I placed a Barbie doll

next to the "swan pond". I had collected tiny rhinestones, lace and pearls along with tulle for the veil. I re-created my daughter's gown,veil and headpiece and her hairdo. I dressed

Barbie to look like my daughter.


                   She was so surprised and she loved the doll. Many years later, she still has her bridal Barbie, behind glass in her

China closet.


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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

@Enufstuff   I found a homemade Anginetti recipe that supposed to be just like the Stella D'oro cookies.


I haven't tried them yet.


I have seen picture of those swans, but never made them.  I love to bake and cook, but I am not into decorating with food.  My talents stop there.


I have a granddaughter who is very artistic.  She is a wonderful baker too.  Her cakes and cookies are beautiful.  She does a professional job and she sculptures with almond paste.  She made a set of the Disney Princesses that looked like they were made by Lenox.


I bet your swans were gorgeous too.  You sound very talented.

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Registered: ‎03-30-2010

Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

I used to like their "Roman Treats".  That's hard to find now.  I thought they were better than the breakfast treats.


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Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

Hadn't seen them or eaten them in years.  Recently picked up a couple of packages.  Tasted as good as before.  However, significantly smaller just like many other grocery items.

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Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

I am still not over that they discontinued the Anginettes. . Smiley Sad  I bet it has been 40 years.Smiley Happy I use to make trays of the little cream puffs. Thanks for a great memory.

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Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

I can remember going through a phase years ago of being obsessed with them.

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Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

I only eat the anisette sponge, and love it. It's great dunked in coffee or tea (better than the anisette toast), and just to eat something lol when I'm taking a morning vitamin because I don't generally eat breakfast at "breakfast time."


You might remember their vintage, lovely commercials:


There's a place in your day for Stella D'Oro. Stella D'Oro knows what's good for you.


Add that continental touch to your table with... mmmm...Stella D'oro.


What worries you masters you.
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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

[ Edited ]

Publix carries 4 varities.


They are shown in the Ads for Wal Mart and Target

Regular Contributor
Posts: 195
Registered: ‎09-21-2013

Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

My Italian gram always had Stella D'oro in her house. Sometimes she had the ones that looked like an S and other times were the ones with the chocolate circle or the one tasting like anise (yuck). I see them in the store and am instantly reminded of her. 

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,610
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Stella D’oro Breakfast Treats

My mom and her 3 sisters always had the different cookies/biscuits in the house.  I remember when I was young, my mom would have them for breakfast w/her coffee.  So Italian!  And of course when the espresso came out.


The plant used to be in the Bronx, and when you were driving in the area, ahhhh, you could smell them.


Thanks for the nice memory.

