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Stalking Whirlpool “Sunset Bronze”

After what seems to be many false starts, it appears that “Sunset Bronze” kitchen appliances MIGHT be available locally, so that I could get a look at the color.

If I actually am able to set eyes on them, I will report.

Has anyone seen them in real life, or even better, bought an appliance in this color? 

I have read some good reviews but we all know a review is only as good as the reviewer........

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Re: Stalking Whirlpool “Sunset Bronze”

I have not seen any of the appliances in person, but online they sure look beautiful!  Keep us posted.

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Re: Stalking Whirlpool “Sunset Bronze”

When I saw your post at first I was frightening at the thought of Bronze.  Maybe it was because I moved into a house full of Brass and am now fearful of those gold hue colors.  However, after looking online the color looks really nice.  I'm curious what it looks like in person.  Seems like it would really warm up a kitchen.

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Re: Stalking Whirlpool “Sunset Bronze”

I like it a lot.  When my refrigerator dies, I will take a serious look at replacing it, range and useless old dishwasher with Sunset Bronze.  It's both warm and subtle.

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Re: Stalking Whirlpool “Sunset Bronze”

I love that color!!!! I have a Vitamix that is champagne color that looks the same as the appliances----I need new appliances soon --all mine, refer, stove, diswasher, are 18 years old and an almond color------not a fan of the stainless or the black---but LOVE this color!!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Stalking Whirlpool “Sunset Bronze”

A color that would have worked great in my kitchen. I settled for stainless.