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Tonight I sauteed a large container of fresh spinach in several TBSP. of oil and one clove of garlic. 

It cooked down to 3 servings and I added bacon chips.  Very good!

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I make it the same way.  

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Love it. Sometimes I add kale to the spinach, finish with a good squeeze of lemon. Try that, it's good too! I don't use bacon but am sure it's delicious. Bacon is always good!

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@ECBG Oh you bring back memories!  My dad raised spinach on a commercial level when I was quite young and my mom made wilted spinach salad.


She would cook bacon, then in the hot skillet make basically a salad dressing with salad oil, vinegar, a little garlic, salt and pepper, and about a half teaspoon of sugar.  She would stir this up, toss in chopped green onion and give a stir, then throw in a lot of washed leaf spinach and toss it briefly until it just started to wilt, transfer it to a bowl and crumble the bacon over it. 


Sometimes chopped hard boiled eggs were added for garnish, and sometimes red onion was sauteed in the skillet if she wasn't using green onions.  Wow did I love that and you reminded me of it!  Wish I had been at your house!


I remember huge trucks full of spinach and it was so pretty!

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That sounds delicious!!!Smiley Happy

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@ECBG wrote:



That sounds delicious!!!Smiley Happy

@ECBG It's like what you made but is probably not quite as cooked.  If it is just wilted and not flabby, and there is not a lot of bacon grease in it I love it!  Thanks for making me think of it!  


We didn't have it often because my mom was Ms. Low Fat in a high-fat world!  LOL!!!!

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Yummm.  I sautée spinach the same way but will add fresh sliced mushrooms.

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@ECBG I Love spinach, any way shape or form!

That's also how I cook Beet greens.  If the beets with tops look good I'll get those, chop the greens off and have them one day and the beets themselves the next.  Two fresh veggies for the price of one.

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My favorite way to cook spinach. Have never added bacon, will try next time.