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QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

QVC should offer her the sun, moon and stars to come in once a month, or seasonally for a two hour show on either KitchenAid or cooking in general featuring a lot of products and COOKING!  Not dancing and shouting and yukking it up.  But a show where she features maybe recipes for upcoming holidays, talks about cooking them and STORING them, how long you can freeze the items, how far in advance you can make them, etc.


I even long for Bob and others who actually COOKED.

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!  I am so disappointed that Laura is gone.  She was one of the best reps qvc had.

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Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

@zuzubailey wrote:

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!  I am so disappointed that Laura is gone.  She was one of the best reps qvc had.

Not to appear like a dunce, but is Laura the Kitchen Aid rep? If so, I really like her.



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Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .


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Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

I don't want to be blunt, but QVC is all about selling product, not conducting a home economics class.  The are some people on the Food Channel who do actually cook and explain.  Since we don't know why Laura left, it's possible she's not welcome to return.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
Posts: 21
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

Yes, Laura was the kitchen aid rep.

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Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

Let it go.

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Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

I don't necessarily want to see them cook, just a better explanation of how the product works. I don't think that is too much to ask.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

@Kachina624 wrote:

I don't want to be blunt, but QVC is all about selling product, not conducting a home economics class.  The are some people on the Food Channel who do actually cook and explain.  Since we don't know why Laura left, it's possible she's not welcome to return.

"I don't want to be blunt" but I am going to be. . . 


Food Channel talks about cooking.  I want to see how you best use these appliances to make a cake or whip egg whites and how it can help make a good recipe that is tried and true. Show me how to use the pasta attachments and give me some ideas and recipes.  I would like to see someone actually work with the products and show us how to use them efficiently and to their maximum benefit for the kitchen.  


All I am asking is SHOW me how to use it and what attachments actually function for what purposes. Give me some techniques and recipes.  DEMO the product. Mostly what I see is someone spinning around, eating and talking about pretty colors.


I would MUCH rather know what this thing does so I won't be disappointed when I get it and have to send the darned thing back, or let it sit in my kitchen.

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Re: QVC Should Offer Laura Weathers. . .

I get tired of presenters getting cut off so we can go over colors again, or units sold.


I don't care, I want to see how the product works.