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Posts: 473
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I have never had a pizza stone. . .I have baked thousands of pizzas in our home and my favorite "pan" is a cast iron skillet/griddle. I put a little oil on it before laying the dough down and it bakes to a perfect crisp crust. It will never break and is something I already have. QVC offers a larger cast iron griddle (K40180) which I want to purchase for my SIL who likes to cook their pizzas on the outside grill/smoker; I think it will be perfect for them! (And would certainly work in a kitchen oven, too!)

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Registered: ‎03-10-2014
On 1/31/2014 havanesecutie said:

Pizza stone is a must for baking good pizza, but we have moved on to a Pronto Pizza oven. Love it! It is a fun new toy. There is another item that is worth exploring and it is the Mighty Pizza oven - a piece you can use on your BBQ. We are going to Hilton Head in March and will take our Pronto - the Italian family get together will be so much fun and making pizza appetizers will be great.

Thanks for mentioning the Mighty Pizza Oven. I used to go to Hilton Head in the 90's when I lived in Georgia, I loved it.

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Posts: 19,517
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Try a Presto "Pizazz"...........smaller, inexpensive........and makes excellent pizza (and other flatbread-type things). Look on Amazon.

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