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Re: Paper towels - yes or no?


I've been using dishrags for many, many years. Several years ago, I noticed a foul smell from the dishrag (obviouisly made abroad) - and I realized that it's within the rag itself - as I only wiped up basic things. I now buy my dishrags from Costco and there's no odor.

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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: Paper towels - yes or no?

@sidsmom wrote:

@sissel wrote:

sponges go into micro wave or dishwasher who uses dish cloths? think that is way more unsanitary.


I don’t think anyone within this thread declared they use a dish cloth.

I use a dish towel but a sponge in the sink.

I agree about ‘unsanitary’...a dish cloth wouldn’t dry completely

in most A/C’d homes.


It saddens me there is so much paper waste within our society.


I use dish CLOTHS, and have my whole life. There isn't a single thing unsanitary about them, if used and laundered properly. 


They shouldn't be used to wipe up messes containing excess bacteria (like raw meat juices) unless they will be thrown straight to the wash. 


We don't have a dishwasher (well, yes we do and it's name is mominohio) so all dishes are hand washed using a dish cloth, then counters wiped and stove, fridge etc. 


Simply throw them to the wash at the end of the day, or if you use them for something you know has a lot of bacteria potential.