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A Dinosaur? I NEED one.

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Have you tried eBay, Amazon, Conosignment stores?  They've got to be out there somewhere!!  Good luck.

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In the kitchen, I have a set-top box, microwave and electric stove.  All have electric clocks.  All have to be reset when power goes out.  I'm thankful for my battery-operated wall clock!!!!!  Good luck finding a kitchen one.  Maybe you could substitute a bedroom style till you find one? 

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I love my Emerson Smart Set Clocks.  I have them in virtually every room and never need to think about resetting them.

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That is unique.


I have never seen one on the Q.  have you checked with your local vintage stores?

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How about a battery wall clock?

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All I use for main clocks, bedside are electrics

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My childhood home was built for an electric kitchen clock. The soffit above the sink had an electrical outlet there. We had one until it bit the dust and you could no longer find them. Then my folks bought a battery operated one in it's place.


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@WSfan wrote:

My childhood home was built for an electric kitchen clock. The soffit above the sink had an electrical outlet there. We had one until it bit the dust and you could no longer find them. Then my folks bought a battery operated one in it's place.


Exactly why I'm searching.........

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Just checked and found this at Amazon


The Chicago Lighthouse Contemporary Electric Wall Clock, Black


says it has a 5' cord.