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Re: Need new pots and pans

[ Edited ]

@Pooky1 wrote:

We have a Rachel ray oval pan set for 6 years and we still love it. Its none goes in the dishwasher with no problem and hand washes very easy allso. Spaghetti lasagna noodles fit great in oval pan very well because of the oval design. I highly recommend them. Good luck.



I bought my MIL an oval pan years ago. When she opened it she said what am I suppose to do with that???

I thought it would be perfect for a lot of dishes she made in the oven? Figured it would be easier for her to get in or out of the oven with the handle.

It's probably in her kitchen cabinets unused.

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Curtis Stone has some great pots and pans  The non-stick is wonderful.  BUT, my new all-time favorite is Ninja Hard Anodized.  Besides being truly non-stick, it's "purty".

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When I first saw oval pans I said who would want oval pans . and then we got them and there awesome.

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@Kitlynn wrote:

I really love Calphalon pots and pans. They are made very well, even heat and non stick. They also clean up like a dream. Yes they are a little pricey but well worth it and you can buy sets or individual pieces. I have been using them for twenty years.

I just bought a new 2-slice toaster from Costco - brand is Calphalon. I like it. I never heard of this brand before.

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I can't tell you how many sets of pots and pans I've had the past 43 years of marriage. Lots! Every few years, when the most recent set wore out already I had to buy another. UNTIL I sprung for All Clad!! Yes, they are expensive but I bought a few sets over 10 years ago and they look brand spanking new! I know I will never have to ever replace them. All Clad all the way!!

"Pure Michigan"