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My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

I went in and asked. LOL She said "mostly in the bigger cities like Dallas, etc."


That's a relief. Only one in Amarillo, Tx

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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

Sadly, the one in my neighborhood is closing Nov 1, what a lovely store!! And all those wonderful coupons coming to an end. 

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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

Thank goodness ours isn't either!  I depend on B,B&B for many things!

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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

I sure hope ours isn't closing!  I haven't heard anything, so I guess that's good?

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

Here in downtown Chicago the "store closing" sign has been up for a couple of months.  Will truly miss it since it was a 5 minute walk from my condo.  Wonder what will move in--it is quite a large space.



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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

Is there an article anywhere showing which shows are closing or do we just wait and see the sign?

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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

I researched it online and saw 60 was closing.

Couldn't find actual list, so, just asked at my local store.


Think the big cities where they might have more then one are the ones

where they will have more chance of shutting down .


amarillo, is only 200,000 people or so, we just have one, so, it can stay I guess.


Guess you can always order online and they do have the coupons when you go on the website giving you a chance to redeem. I get so many I don't need the ones that pop up. Sister sends me hers, too.


Online will always be there I'd say.

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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

I live rural and there is a B,B&B store in a town nearby. It has the basics and that's about it. But if I ever want anything stylish and current with the trends I know NOT to shop there. They haven't updated their items since they opened!! Everything is soooo outdated and ugly. I wouldn't mind at all if our store closed. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

I thought the whole thing was closing.  Those that still have their B & B are so lucky!  We had one years ago and I loved it so much.  I could always find what I wanted and needed.  So ad that this place is having problems in many areas.  So many great stores facing difficulties and closing.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: My local Bed and Bath isn't closing

Better check the one closest to me. Hopefully it won’t be closing. Love 💕 the coffee selection.