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A couple of times my son happened  to be here while I was watching ITKWD on Sunday. He got a kick out of him saying Happy Dance   Happy Dance.  So for Christmas one of the gifts he bought me was David's cookbook.  I have not used it yet but I will.  I am looking forward to it.

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@Fribwl.  Thoughtful gift and very observant of him.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Fribwl  Nice!  I have two of David's cookbooks and have made a few things.  In fact, I think I'll take a look thru them tonight and plan my weekly dinner menu.


By the way, if you like peanut brittle, David has an easy and delicious recipe for it!

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That is a thoughtful giftSmiley Happy


I got one for a friend of mine years ago when David and his mom came to our local Barnes and Noble. He was so welcoming and gracious and greeted each person who went to meet him to get our booked signed. His mother was very friendly and sitting in the front row.

I don't remember what I said to her or her to me but it was all a memorable experience. 

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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@Citrine1   Good to know.  Thank you

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@Fribwl What a sweet and thoughtful son you have!

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Love this😻❣️