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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

[ Edited ]

@meallen616 wrote:

Medium rare with just salt and pepper for seasoning!

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@meallen616 Welcome!🥰 It is PERFECT prepared that way; no other competing flavors!😊


I LOVE❤ this bright and cheerful graphic! It made me smile!😁


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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

@OKPrincess wrote:

Medium well - some pink but no red.


Growing up our family cooked everything well done so that stuck with me most of my life.


@OKPrincess Welcome!🥰  My dear mother was an EXCELLENT cook, but she did NOT know how to cook steak any other way than WELL done! It was like leather's cousin!😂 I was NOT a fan of steak because of it, but once I was encouraged to try a perfectly cooked medium rare steak, I became a fan and ate it for many sunsets!🥰


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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

@Carolina925 wrote:

I love steak but usually only eat them as a treat, maybe once every couple of months or so. I buy the best I can afford at the time. My preference is medium rare. I don't have a grill so cook mine inside using my Lodge black iron skillet.


I preheat the skillet on medium high. A light coating of olive oil, salt & pepper, maybe sometimes I use Morton Nature's Seasons seasoning blend or Cavender's All Purpose Greek Seasoning instead of the salt & pepper. A short sear (usually 3 minutes per side is fine, depending on the thickness of the steak. Pull off the burner (it still cooks in the iron skillet since it holds heat so well), then squeeze a lemon on top while it rests. Always perfect for me.


My mother always ate all her meats well done, daddy liked his rare. My mother could hardly eat at the same table with us Woman LOL

@Carolina925 Welcome!🥰 That is a PERFECT way to prepare it! Awwwww. I smiled when I read about your mother!😁


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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

[ Edited ]

Medium rare, well seasoned with steak seasoning, and a healthy dollop of either garlic or blue cheese butter on it while it's resting. 


I can't imagine eating a well done steak. 

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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

Very, very well done --- not red or pink at all.  I rarely eat steak - would rather have a hamburger!  

@AngelPuppy1 Welcome!🥰 You and my dear mother would have gotten along at the grill!😁 She would not eat ANY meat with pink inside!😊


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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

This thread tells me that folks here are too high and mighty for me. 

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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

@CalminHeart wrote:



Poultry and pork have to be cooked all the way through to whatever the meat thermometer says is done.


Hamburgers cannot have any pink. 


Steak can be medium to medium well. I like a little pink in the middle. 


Seafood has to be cooked all the way through but not cooked so long it's dry.  


I like to grill or saute fresh veggies. I want some crunch left in them. I don't eat limp, overcooked veggies. 

@CalminHeart Welcome!🥰 WOW! I like ALL of your meat cooking preferences! I too, do NOT like limp grilled veggies- especially asparagus!😁


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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

@Biftu wrote:

I love steak but it has to be a good cut like filet mignon, I know too expensive.  My steak has to be medium well.  While I know it is not blood, I don't want that red on my plate.

@Biftu Welcome!🥰 I think medium well filet mignon is a good choice, and can understand you not wanting to see the red "juices" on the plate. That is how chefs describe it!😁


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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

@Meowingkitty wrote:

When we go to a restaurant or make steak at home we usually do medium and eat the ends which are a bit more towards medium well. We usually have leftovers that are medium and when we recook them they turn out medium well. As for burgers, fajitas etc we like them medium well to well. No pink. I don't want them mooing back. 

@Meowingkitty Welcome!🥰  I SO enjoyed reading this because I cracked up at you not wanting the steak mooing back!!!😂😂😂


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Re: Medium Rare Or Well Done...How Do You Prepare Your Steak? (See Post)🥰

@shoptilyadropagain wrote:

I don't want any pink or red in my steak so I do a Medium Well to Well Done.

@shoptilyadropagain Welcome!🥰 I can certainly understand your reason for not liking pink; though that was my preferred way to enjoy it. I HAD to see pink, or did not want it!😁


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