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May 13 Today is NATIONAL APPLE PIE DAY What kind of apples do you use?

I like using Granny Smith apples, when I "make" a pie.

My aunt makes French Apple Pie. Her filling is apples, sugar, flour, butter and raisins. She makes a double crust and puts a glaze on top when it is done. Smiley Happy Smiley Happy

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Re: May 13 Today is NATIONAL APPLE PIE DAY What kind of apples do you use?

I usually use granny smith.

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Re: May 13 Today is NATIONAL APPLE PIE DAY What kind of apples do you use?

I love Granny Smith apples, too. I eat a GS apple every day of my life.

But I think the best pie is made from a variety of 4-5 different apples.

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Re: May 13 Today is NATIONAL APPLE PIE DAY What kind of apples do you use?

On 5/13/2014 Barbarainnc said:

I like using Granny Smith apples, when I "make" a pie.

My aunt makes French Apple Pie. Her filling is apples, sugar, flour, butter and raisins. She makes a double crust and puts a glaze on top when it is done. Smiley Happy Smiley Happy

Recipe please. Have not had french apple pie in years.


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: May 13 Today is NATIONAL APPLE PIE DAY What kind of apples do you use?

I looked, but couldn't find her recipe. I wrote and told her it was National Apple Pie Day on May 13th and I thought of her recipe. I asked her to send it to me!!

I'll post when I get it. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}