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I'm watching Deb using the Veggitti. I know she has some dexterity problems from watching her try to wrestle some other products. Some of their products are very interesting to me!

I made some zucchinit spaghetti with an old 3-way veggie peeler. It had a Julienne setting and that made the noodles just like spaghetti. I sauteed them lightly in olive oil and garlic-delicious! It is all about the texture!

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Posts: 21,436
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

I like watching Evine too.  I know their special today is an existing set of pots but there were other things that I enjoyed watching their presentations.


They have a set of dishtowels that I would love to order but Evine and I parted ways a while ago (silly disagreement which wasn't resolved very well but now has saved me a lot of money).

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I was so ready to like Evine, but it seems to be the Invicta channel - those watches are always on when I swiitch over.  If it is not those watches it is those hand painted purses on all the time.  It was disappointing, as I was ready for an improvement in home shopping and since they had so many people with years of experience involved I thought they would knock the socks off the other shopping channels.  I was disappointed that it turned out to be so repetitive and so unprofessional - both their sets and their people.  I still long for the good old days of QVC and thought they would have all the people at Evine that could recreate that vibe.  Sadly, not.

Snarky responders need not reply. Move along and share your views elsewhere.
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I just don't get the other shopping channels at all. There is little selection in most of the areas I search, many of the hosts are hard to watch, and Evine, should indeed be renamed the 'watch' channel.


I do like the Tiffany lamp shows and Waterford, but other than that, I just don't see anything to buy.

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Posts: 578
Registered: ‎11-08-2011
Newcomer to Evine....I totally agree about the watches and purses comments. Only reason I started to flip to the channel was reading on the Beauty comments made on this format about Skinn products.. I did try Consult Beaute and I am extremely pleased. Also enjoying the few Skinn items and Borghese mask I got. Noticed they do reruns of presentations. I found that odd.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I watch sometimes and purchase an item here and there.


In the kitchen shows, the only major turn off for me is that lady who used to work with Puck on hsn.  She is a vendor now at Evine and she is so much more annoying because the attention is on her.   I can't watch more than a minute of her. 


I like when they have Daniel Green on their kitchen shows.  He is a well-known chef, of course, and is pleasant to watch.  He has all the class that seems to have eluded that other lady I mentioned.  Smiley Happy

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Posts: 21,436
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

I often wondered why she was no longer with WP . . . until I saw her on Evine . . . I call her Calamity Deb . . . but they do have some interesting things to watch.  You just have to try and filter her out if you can . . . Smiley Happy

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Posts: 20,648
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

mtc wrote:

I often wondered why she was no longer with WP . . . until I saw her on Evine . . . I call her Calamity Deb . . . but they do have some interesting things to watch.  You just have to try and filter her out if you can . . . Smiley Happy


Ha!  Yeah, can you imagine the clashes they must have had?  I'd pay a buck to watch one of those.  hehe