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Posts: 6
Registered: ‎10-24-2010

Lock & Lock BACON keeper wished for.

I love Lock & Lock.

I have never found a Lock & Lock Bacon keeper.

Please make one of those!

Thanks for reading.

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Posts: 16,347
Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Lock & Lock BACON keeper wished for.

A 3 piece set for storing bread, eggs and bacon was available at one time.   I notice it is not available for purchase now.  

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Re: Lock & Lock BACON keeper wished for.

If you do a Google search for Lock & Lock bacon keeper there are some attainable.

"Pure Michigan"
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Lock & Lock BACON keeper wished for.

[ Edited ]

I use the Food Saver to seal the bacon after I open it. I open it on the weekend & we eat some & don't eat any more until the next weekend. With the sealer I can seal it back each time I open it.

They have one on EBay for $10.99 free shipping. The seller has 100% feedback. Just search LOCK n LOCK Food Storage Container, Bacon to find it.

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Posts: 20,648
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Lock & Lock BACON keeper wished for.

One thing I like to do, for example if I buy 2-3 pounds when my favorite one is on sale, is to cut each one in half and vac seal each half pound.  Then, I can just pull out one and  leave the rest sealed up.


As for L&L, if I'm going to use everything that I've pulled from the freezer in a short period I just put it into whichever L&L it fits into.  One doesn't need to be named for what you put in it.  I have some long-ish, narrow-ish, ones that are perfect for half a pound of bacon.  I just pull out what I'm going to use and fold the packaging over the remaining bacon to make it more narrow and it fits right in there.


I don't even see the need for a container that fits a whole pound.    The commercial, national brand, bacon I purchase comes vacuum sealed so I just put it into the freezer like that and pull one out when I am going to use some, then store the rest.  If I buy several lbs, as mentioned, I might cut each one in half and vacuum seal it up again for storage in the freezer so that I don't expose more of it to the air than I need to, if I'm only going to use half of it and have no plans to use the other half very soon.  Smiley Happy