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@meallen616    Love it!  Got a chuckle out of me.  Thanks.. Boop

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

For the last few months, my kitchen was smelling VERY spicy and unbearable. I have a male living here, who's background is from Thailand. The smell got so bad, I told him to find another place to live. He decided to prepare his food and cook his chicken at his friend's house. I literally couldn't breathe. Other than that - he's a SWEETHEART!!!! I just emailed the cartoon to my roomie. Very Funny and So True

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Registered: ‎08-18-2016


I had never had Thai food, so when a new restaurant opened, my sister and I picked up our niece and the three of us were eagerly on our way!


Entering the restaurant I stopped in my tracks when I got a whiff. I love all sort of food from around the world, and I'd never been put off by the mingled odors of a variety of dishes before.


While my sister and niece thought it smelled enticing, I couldn't get past the open doorway.

When you wrote, "I literally couldn't breathe" ... well I can definitely relate.

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@x Hedge

The worst part is that he leaves for work right after preparing all his food - and I'm home smelling this "stuff" for approx. 5 hours afterward. I also emailed him that I don't want my dog smelling it either. He also creates the MOST garbage!!!! Now - he's preparing and cooking his food at his friend's house.


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@x Hedge

Your sister and niece only smelled it for a few minutes --- imagine smelling it for hours!!!! My roomie just left with his food - ready to prepare it in his friend's house - before taking it to work!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

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No, they took me home, and went back to the restaurant to eat!

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