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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

@house_cat We seem to have a mutual admiration going on...Ha!


In my cleaning like crazy days I just about took the refrigerator apart wiping it down.  It's surprising these days how easily you can take some of the appliances apart to clean them (it's the taking them apart thing that I like).


You are right to take off the front panel at the bottome and clean the coils (i.e. vacuum them).  


One thing people don't think about is the 'plunger' in the sink gets very dirty.  I do periodically soak it and use bleach on it.  I have a double sink and only run water through one side.  Every now and then I run water in the other side with a small amount of bleach.  It's funny the way people smell odors and can't figure out where they are coming from.


I have a filter on the refrigerator water/ice dispenser but I still periodically (I use that word a lot) let a few cycles run through and throw out the ice.


I won't go on ( Aunt often haunts me).  I keep a lid on my cleaning fits because I've been known to go overboard.


However....(come closer...closer) I am whispering...since I've gotten old(er) it's a lot easier to control these cleaning 'fits' (as I call them).


Love you sweet @house_cat

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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

How often do you clean the kitchen?

Next to you I'm a real slouch.

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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

I agree with the person who said what you are missing is a housekeeper. I don't really understand what "dust ceiling" & "swipe walls" means, but my housekeeper does a very good job of keeping my kitchen spotless, God Bless her! She usually cleans the tops of the cabinets once every year and they stay clean enough. In the spring when we go home to Pa. DH pulls out the fridge, stove and the DW and unplugs them so he cleans behind them at that time. We also unplug the TV , cd player and other electronics so when he gets behind the entertainment center to do that , he vaccums back there.

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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

Enjoy your nice clean kitchen!  One other thing I can think of is if your range hood has removable filters that can be soaked. They get coated with dust and grease.

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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

Oven, range hood, light fixtures, inside of fridge, wash window/curtains.

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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

[ Edited ]



Seems to me Suggestions I had have been mentioned --but, if your not too tired I will gladly make you a nice cup of tea & fresh piece of danish (not homemade but good) put your feet up & relax for a job well done!


We are in the process of finishing our house remodel project & this week it's a "spit shine" having guests (but their wing of the house is fresh & sparkly clean😺).   when they leave I know that's my goal -- Spring is here!!!


Such a great feeling fresh clean home (and I have inherited my mothers OCD genes) but I enjoy cleaning!!!🤔😳😉

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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

[ Edited ]

@IMW wrote:

How often do you clean the kitchen?

Next to you I'm a real slouch.


I do what I consider to be surface cleaning every night when I finish cleaning up dinner. I never go to bed with dishes in the sink or crumbs on the counter, though I have been known to wake up to them. My husband and son are up much later than I am at night, and though they think they are cleaning up after themselves, they aren't doing a perfect job.


I do thorough cleaning like today, probably four times a year, which would be seasonal I guess, if we actually had seasons.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?



Tea and danish with a friend sounds SO GOOD RIGHT NOW!

Unfortunately, I'm too tired to get out of the chair.  I just finished - started at 8:30 this morning and finished at 1:30.  


I have the stove grates and a few other things in the dishwasher, but other than that I am done and the kitchen looks beautiful :-)

~ house cat ~
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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

@AuntG wrote:

Oven, range hood, light fixtures, inside of fridge, wash window/curtains.



Yes! I realized right after getting started that I'd forgotten to put the range hood and microwave on my list.  I told DH that when the microwave breaks down (it's 10 years old), I 'm going to replace it with shelves to warm my dough above the stove. I really don't use it for anything other than making hummingbird nectar and softening butter.  I think I can live without it.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Kitchen Cleaning - What am I missing?

@IMW wrote:

How often do you clean the kitchen?

Next to you I'm a real slouch.


We deep clean much like @house_cat has listed in the Spring.  Right before we decorate for Christmas, we do a pretty thorough cleaning.  Then for fifty weeks of the year, cleaning is fast and basic.  With no kids or pets in the house, our house is always presentable.