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all on sale , 6 easy pays, if anybody been on the fence. I'm enjoying mine.

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I use mine all the time and love it! Great buy on easy pay. I have the raspberry ice and it is a very pretty color.

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The mini Artisan is out now.   Don't know if q has it. Same size motor, smaller footprint.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

That is a pretty mixer ! I like them all 'cept the chrome, black. LOL


yeah, I hope they show that new mini mixer. Wish David would have it on tonight.

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@Dawnie wrote:

The mini Artisan is out now.   Don't know if q has it. Same size motor, smaller footprint.

When I saw it mentioned here a few weeks ago, I went in search and found that Target already had it in stock for shipment.

It was the same price as the regular size.  I wanted it and didn't want to wait to see if there would be some sort of a deal on it.

The regular size was just to big to leave sitting on the countertop, it took up too much space and having to store it elsewhere was a pain, it was sooo heavy to have to drag it out.

For me, the mini is perfect and I'm just so happy to finally have one that is easy to store and handle.  If I do a little rearranging I can leave it sitting on the microwave cart.



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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

I got 2 big stand mixers on my counter. One cuisinart and the other the pink Kitchen aid LOL

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They're great!  With other mixers YOU do almost all the work!

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My 73 year old inherited KA mixer is having problems and is currently in for repairs. If it can't be fixed I will have to get a new one, but that would break my heart. My cousin is our appliance repair man and he has it while we are away for the summer, I haven't heard from him about it as yet so I suspect he hasn't gotten to it.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

probably time for a new one.