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K43391 Lock & Lock Salad to Go Storage Set w/ Colored Body

Does anyone own this? It says it's 6 qt but that does not help me much. I'm looking for the dimensions of the bowl if someone owns this. Someone asked the question on the product page but nobody answered the question. I want to use it for watermelon, ambrosia salad etc so the liquid can drain away from the food so it does not get soggy.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: K43391 Lock & Lock Salad to Go Storage Set w/ Colored Body

I don't have this configuration but I do have the bowls (nesting style) they offered a few years ago. 


The he largest one is 6 qt., 5 qt and 4 qt if I recall correctly. 


I make 5 lbs of potato salad, large fruit salads, large batch of other things and it holds it perfectly.  


Love these bowls - hope this helps to give you a idea of capacity.

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Re: K43391 Lock & Lock Salad to Go Storage Set w/ Colored Body

Did you watch the video on the product site?  No mention of the dimensions?

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: K43391 Lock & Lock Salad to Go Storage Set w/ Colored Body

@homedecor1 Thx. That does help.


@Mz iMac No I did not watch it. Did not even look to see if there was a video. I'm in Fl at my sisters house & it's like a zoo here. I could not hear it unless I go outside or sit in the bathroom. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: K43391 Lock & Lock Salad to Go Storage Set w/ Colored Body

I have this set in red.  The outer (colored) bowl holds about 22 cups (of liquid, I measured).  The inner bowl of course holds less, because it has holes in the bottem and sits up enough for liquid to drain into the outter bowl.  I have never used this set with the divider incert.  But I have used it repeatedly for watermelon, cantalope and honeydew melons.  I can chunk a melon, put it in this containier and have wonderful chilled fruit all week.  It holds at least half of a large watermelon or an entire smaller melon.  It is exactly what I was wanting!  The outter bowl is really large and would hold a huge quanity of food.  With the inner bowl and incerts, it will make a nice sized relish type container (with ice in the bottem).  I hope this helps. . .