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If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

We'd be good for a week, maybe two.. we wouldn't be happy the second week, but we could probably stay alive on pasta and beans.

How about you?

~ house cat ~
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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

thank goodness you asked this today....I went grocery shopping last night...prior to was slim pickings around here...

as it stands now...I would be good for two weeks...

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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

I have a full freezer.....but the fresh veggies would run out. A month or two maybe for me and Hubby,if I got creative ....
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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

6 months. Working on a year.
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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

About 6 months.
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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

I could probably live for 5 or 6 weeks on beans, rice, pasta, quinoa----but I wouldn't be happy!

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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

probably 1 week and that would be slim pickings! Company just left after 1 month of different guests -- only extra I have in this house is TP .... (& that's low too but ok as I tell my guests out of tp your time is up!) After tomorrow trip to food store it will be about 1 month!
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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

Well--it's usually SUPPOSED to be just DH & me..but inevitably, we have someone show up...If it were just us two--a few months at least!

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Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

Funny that you should ask this question now! A few days ago we had a 6+ something and a day or two later a 5.4 and both of them were real good jolts. You can't help but wonder what's coming next? It is a good reminder to think about what all our supplies are that we have on hand and if we need to get more or update what we have..

Like some of you, we could go for week eating very well. We keep gallons and bottles of bottled water, not to mention cases of soda, and some beer too. We're kind of people who keep dry foods on hand also extra bread and rolls in the freezer. I think DH and the Grand Girls could live on peanut butter sandwiches forever.....almost!! If a disaster happened we'd most likely have our 3 kids and their families here too, so the menu would be something else. You never know if or what or how you will be able to cook, but we are all set up that way, just in case of in case. We hope another 1964 quake never happens again, but I got thru that with 3 very small kiddos very well, (DH was on a job site hundreds of miles away working)and it was a wakeup call about keeping goods on hand for emergencies.

Posts: 38
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: If you had to survive on the food that's in your house right now, how long would you last?

On 9/30/2014 Lizzy Bennet said: 6 months. Working on a year.

Me too.