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If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

..and why?  


My dh chose Alton Brown because he shares a lot of his meticulous, ocd qualities; while I think I would choose Anne Burrelle, although I find her intimidating, because I think she really loves her students & is very loyal to them, & I respect that attitude in an instructor.  


Paula Deen would be a lot of fun, but I'd probably gain way too much weight with her recipes, lol. Hmmm....and Bobby Flay would probably be way too distracting.


Soooo...who would You choose, & why?


Have fun with this, folks!  Dream a little dream....



"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her; still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." ~Victor Hugo
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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Bobby Flay.  Aside from the fact he's nice to look at, he still easy to follow.  I've done several recipes from him.  All turned out good! 

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Michael Symon because of his skill and attitude.  Or, Thomas Keller, second to none, IMO.

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

I chose Mario Batali because he is smart, cool and his food looks really good.

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Jacques Pepin.  He seems so calm. I have watched his shows and mishaps never bother him.

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Michael Symon or Marcus Samuelsson...........they are both so talented....and i think Michael would be a character to work with and fun....and i think Marcus would be knowledgeable and kind....

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Ming Tsai because I like Asian cuisine.

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Lidia Bastianich. After all, she fed the Pope.

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Ann Burrell

I don't watch any of the competition shows, but I have watched many of the actual cooking shows and she really knows her stuff. 

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Re: If you could choose 1 celebrity chef to mentor you, who would you choose?

Interesting, most of us have different ideas & choices!  I like the idea of Marcus too, he seems to be highly respected in the industry, doesn't he?


I was surprised to hear how Michael Simonson has won so many competitions, I never realized that before they recently read off a list of his accomplishments on an episode of Chopped Champions.  Impressive!  


I hope I spelled their names right.


But wait...what about Gordon Ramsay?  Anyone?  lol


I'm surprised no one has chosen Rachael Ray or Emeril, yet.  


This is fun to imagine.  I've been enjoying this season of Worst Cooks in America, so far.  Although I was very sad to see 'Double Glasses Donna' go bye-bye :Smiley Sad



"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her; still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." ~Victor Hugo