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Tuned in late.....what happened to David and show tonight?   Rick and Stacey Show...home products instead.

Just curious.....thought he was suppose to be on tonight.

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@walker wrote:

Tuned in late.....what happened to David and show tonight?   Rick and Stacey Show...home products instead.

Just curious.....thought he was suppose to be on tonight.

They said at the beginning of the show that David took a night off. 

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Thank you, BalletBabe.  He works hard for the Q and like many of us this time of the year.....on overload!!  

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I turned it off LOL

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I thought I heard he will be on tomorrow night with the show.
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@GCR18 wrote:
I thought I heard he will be on tomorrow night with the show.


@GCR18  I think they meant with his regular Down Home Thursday night show.

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@SharkE wrote:

I turned it off LOL

Same here.

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sharke and

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Make that 4.

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I also turned off after the preview. Nothing interested me.