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IKWD Now....Anyone watching this CE Air Fryer?

Never saw this presented before....not sure if new or I've just missed the presentations.  Really different from other air fryers I've seen.  Does anyone have this with rotisserie?

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Re: IKWD Now....Anyone watching this CE Air Fryer?

I haven't seen it before either.  I think it's newer.  I don't remember seeing it when they had the air fryer TSV.

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Re: IKWD Now....Anyone watching this CE Air Fryer?

I have never seen it presented. We were discussing it after Q had the air fryer TSV. I need to buy one of those so I can rotisserie some chicken. Will come in handy for making chicken noodle soup. 

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Re: IKWD Now....Anyone watching this CE Air Fryer?

I bought myself a refurbished Phillips Air Fryer last year off of Woot! and I've been extremely pleased with it.....the price was right and it's running fine.  But I have to add I was intrigued with the rotisserie within the CE one they presented today.

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Re: IKWD Now....Anyone watching this CE Air Fryer?

I've been thinking about getting an air fryer but the smaller CE one only had a 60-day warranty and that scared me away. I watched the ITKWD presentation on this new one with the rotisserie, several times today, trying to make up my mind. It has a 1-year warranty and I feel better about that and I like that it's multi-purpose. Finally, I bit and ordered it. My Showtime rotisserie is on it's last leg (I've gone through two over the years), and this will be better, if it works as presented.  Keeping my fingers crossed..