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I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

I go to Costco about once a week or so, and twice now, came home without white garbage bags! I thought I went down every isle. I heard stores do that as a marketing strategy, but I think you buy less not more, because you can't find anything!
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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

This must be "musical chairs" time for retailers.

A couple of stores around here have done just that. In one store, I went to find an employee with my list ... and had him give me aisle numbers for all the stuff I was looking for. I don't like roaming up and down aisles looking for stuff.

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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

On 9/1/2014 Persephonel said: I go to Costco about once a week or so, and twice now, came home without white garbage bags! I thought I went down every isle. I heard stores do that as a marketing strategy, but I think you buy less not more, because you can't find anything!

That's exactly why they do it. They hope you will see other interesting stuff while you search for your item. Just going into 2 different Costcos will drive you crazy. My friend likes one and hubby likes the other. I rarely go with him, so it's a pain to go with him. LOL

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

I shop at Costco and they do have a tendency to move things around and it is annoying. I find myself wandering the aisles, not remembering which ones I've already navigated.

Don't give up, ask people until you find what you want. Ask an employee or even a shopper who has the item in their cart. Kitchen garbage bags are a common item and they have to be in the store somewhere unless they are out of stock, which I doubt. Ask, ask, ask.

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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

I heard the reason retailers move things around is because of shoplifting. Supposedly people will go to stores and scope things out, where the items are located that they have an interest in, so when they go back to make their "move" they can be in and out in no time. I don't know if this is true, but it makes sense !
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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

I could not agree more! I think Costco does it more than any store I know. Many times I go to get an item and it has been moved. It is so frustrating.

One Saturday we were shopping at Costco. A day later my husband asked if I would pick up the vinyl siding cleaner he saw during our Saturday shopping expedition. On Monday I went to Costco to buy the vinyl siding cleaner - walked up and down countless rows of stuff. I asked a person who worked there. They had no idea what I was talking about.

And drinks and soda - my Costco has them scattered in at least 4 different spots. You end up walking around 1/4 of the store to try and find what you want.

Slowly my visits to Costco are becoming less and less.

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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

I get confused because I shop at three different Costco locations depending on which part of town I'm in and each one is set up differently from the others. In general, though, I don't find that Costco moves things around much. The difficulty is that they don't always carry the same merchandise from visit to visit, so sometimes I can't find a product that I really like.

The worst for me is Vitamin Shoppe. I go about once every three or four months and the sections are always completely different. I usually take my list, hand it to a salesperson and have them fill it. I've complained to the manager so many times about the changing layout, but I guess there's some specific reason why they do it.

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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

My Wegmans just was remodeled...and everything was moved around.

It's driving me nuts!!!

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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

Obviously, it's done to keep customers in the store for longer periods in the hope that they will purchase more items. When you have a list and know exactly where everything is, you can be in and out quickly and not loaded down with impulse purchases. The name of the retail game is to increase sales.

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Re: I hate it when stores move everything around so you can't find anything!

The Wegmans grocery near me just did a fairly large re-arrangement, and they sent me an e-mail detailing and explaining it. Stuff that is good to know! And they have lots of staff, some specialized in their department, and they are always helpful. Never a "self serve" line, always a nice checker, and always someone on the lookout for "shrinkage". They are a stellar model for customer satisfaction - no wonder the store is always packed.

Cogito ergo sum