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I know a lot of you can't eat them, and I'm sure many don't like them, but I am a big grapefruit fan and they have been good recently--from Walmart!


And, I can't just eat one Woman Embarassed half.  I have to eat them both with a little salt on top!Woman Very Happy


Any other grapefruit lovers out there?

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Me too, I prefer the red variety.

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@Sooner I like salt on my grapefruit, too. It is much better than sugar. Unfortunately, my acid reflux stopped my enjoyment.

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@Sooner.  My parents adored grapefruit with salt.  They ate one every day while they were in season.  I often had a basket sent to them from Florida as a Christmas gift.


I like them but take a statin which makes them incompatible.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I like both grapefruit and also grapefruit juice.  I like to take a grapefruit and cut it in half and then sprinkle some Splenda on it and cover it with plastic wrap.  I do this the night before I'm going to eat it and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.  My husband and I usually share it.


I once had a co-worker whose parents would spend the winter in Florida and they would send her a big basket of grapefruit.  She always gave me a few of them because she said she couldn't finish the entire basket.  They were absolutely the best grapefruit that I had ever had.  I was sorry when her parents stopped wintering in Florida. 


I never found any in my local stores that could even compare to those directly from Florida.

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Now I'm craving a grapefruit!

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I like the taste of grapefruit very much, but to my body it is non-acceptable and is purged ASAP.   

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I love them too, and now I'm craving one, but only with sugar!!

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I grew up with a White Marsh seedless tree in the back yard.  Sections were so big you could eat them with a regular teaspoon!


Pick, Cut, Salt and Enjoy!


They don't agree with me now!  I love them!

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

When I was a kid, the white flesh variety was common and the pink/red ones were unusual.  These days it's the other way around. I can't remember the last time I saw a white grapefruit.


I used to eat grapefruit all the time until I became more mindful about my sugar intake.