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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

Once my car keys were missing for two days. I finally found them in the freezer! It wasn't a senior moment though. It was due to two toddlers calling "mommy, mommy" and always interrupting my train of thought! Lol! 😂

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

@D Kay It's from trying to multi task , always having trying to do to much.

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

Was looking for it for two weeks. Finally bought a new one. Today I found it in the door of the refrigerator, next to the salad dressing. There are 3 of us in the house, but I'm sure I did it. There are no words. Smiley LOL

Welcome to the club!! My husband used to like  to tell everyone , that after dinner I scraped the left over scraps in an empty cottage cheese container, and my MIL ,who was visiting put it in the frig. It stayed a while.

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

I picked up on my way home one day a Taco bell dinner and Baskin Robbins ice cream, both in brown bags.  Put dinner in the oven and ice cream in the freezer to get to in about an hour.  Opened up my taco bag sack from the "cold" oven and there were my two scoops of ice cream.  Yes Taco Bell in the freezer.  Ice cream some what melted but salvageable.  Would not have been if it had been Aug. here in Texas.  Thank goodness I had not turned on the oven to keep it warm, just a holding place until I was ready.

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

I found the dish cloth in my refer--geez---looked high and low then opened the door and there is was---monkey brain has taken over my grey matter----

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

DD had brought home a half a dozen pricey cookies.  They were in a bag on counter. We proceeded to have supper and clean up after eating.


About 2 hours later she said I'm making coffee, do you want a cookie with it.  Yep.


Now, I am Mom 99.99% of the time, except when my brain takes a brief nap, then I get my first name.


She came in the LR, "hey Jane, any reason why you threw our cookies in the trash."


Nope, none at all.  I meant to put them in the fridge.

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 Smiley LOL  I guess that's what you thought of them!  LOL

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

@Laura14  No really, they are really good cookies from a bakery near DD's office. We don't get them often, first because we don't need them, second they are not cheap.


I don't know where my head was.  For days later DD laughed and said , "I can't believe you threw those cookies away,"


I didn't do it on purpose.


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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

@CrazyKittyLvr2   I know.  I was being flip.  I am so sorry you missed out.  Cookies should never be wasted.  Vegetables from time to time maybe but a good cookie, never!

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Re: I Just Found My Garlic Salt in the Refrigerator!!

@Laura14  I've said before I need a T-shirt with the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz on the front and "if I only had a brain" on the back.