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Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

Always grilled. With pineapple and bourbon BBQ sauce.

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Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

Simple and clean. Salt and pepper, a little olive oil on the skin side, maybe a few lemon slices on top, wrap up in foil and on to the grill for about 15 minutes. Let is sit covered for another 10 and it comes out prefect!!. No smell in the house and quick clean up. I live near Seattle so we have access to the best fresh salmon anywhere!!! And I grill it year round.

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Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

Here is my recipe for grilled salmon. I love salmon, DH not so much, but he will admit he really likes it prepared this way. It is delicious.

1 lb. salmon fillet


garlic (minced)

garlic powder

hickory syrup (I use Razz’s shagbark) – 1 tbsp.

soy sauce – 1 tbsp.

teriyaki sauce - 1 tbsp.

olive oil – 1 tbsp.

Cut salmon into 4 pieces (4 oz. each). Pat dry with paper towel. Sprinkle each side with a little salt and garlic powder.

In small bowl, mix 1 tbsp. each of soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, olive oil and hickory syrup. Add sauce to salmon. Coat evenly on both sides. Let sit at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes.

(I also add parsley to mix, and slivered almonds to top of salmon during cooking.)

Heat pan at high heat. Add some olive oil and minced garlic, then the salmon. Lower the heat to medium and continue cooking 5 to 7 minutes per side.

Add any remaining sauce to the pan and continue simmering for 3 to 6 minutes. Recipe is great served with Vermicelli pasta and broccoli or tossed salad.

Note: Recipe can be used for chicken breasts (thin cut), pork chops (thin cut), shrimp, tilapia or other fish, etc. (Marinade chicken or pork overnight.)

Servings: 4

Source: Razz’s Shagbark Hickory Syrup (2013)


"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

We love salmon and if we do it on the grill hubby just puts a little oil on the skin (so as not to stick) and lemon juice with old bay seasoning on top. In the oven, I bake it in a glass pan and spray it with Pam. I put a little water then some white wine and a drizzle of lemon and let bake a while, I then check it to make sure I don't need to add more wine (don't let pan go dry) and then sprinkle on the old bay and bake until done.


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Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

Pan roasted with butter, lemon and French herbs.

Grilled with Cajun seasoning.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

great ideas thanks!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

We get the best results with the Ron Poppeil Rotisserie. Husband puts a little Pam on the basket that rotates, little salt and pepper. Follows the directions for minutes per pound. It's never undercooked or overcooked (fish was problematic). Delish.

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Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

Bake it with mayo, onions & lemon juice.

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Registered: ‎03-25-2012

Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

Bake it, whether fresh or frozen. I like it well done.

Formerly Ford1224
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Registered: ‎02-27-2012

Re: How Does Everyone Prepare Salmon?

SMOKE IT! Topped w/ a warm spicy orange sauce.

But next I am smoking it w/ a Honey Bourbon Sauce recipe I found.