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Posts: 121
Registered: ‎04-20-2010

Heads Up Re: Bistro Canister Set (gaskets)

My two cranberry sets arrived and they're perfect! I was going to hang them on a wall side-by-side, but after receiving them I've found other spots for them.

I just want to warn others who are waiting for theirs - be extremely careful with the chicken knobs. The gaskets are the kind where you try to push them in but they pop up a little bit so there's not a great flush/secure connection. I was putting one set on a shelf above my kitchen sink. One small chicken knob decided to fly the coop and ended up in the sink. You'd think the little chicken would have broken off or chipped, but no it didn't. Instead, a tiny little chip came off another spot. It can't be seen, so though disappointed it's not enough for me to contact for a replacement, plus was my human error.

I was expecting them to be the size they are, and they're perfect and exactly what I was expecting. Paint job is wonderful, the wire racks are both symmetrical and sit square on a flat surface. Just because of the gaskets being a little ginky, I think these are more decorative than function. And that's okay by me because they're just going to hold whatnots. The two larger canisters on the one set are going to hold loose-leaf tea.

They were packed really well, but please be careful of the gaskets when you get everything out of the package so you don't end up having a lid fall off a canister like I did.

Another thing I noticed is that the cranberry color tends toward the lighter version. The colors can vary so much. I've seen vibrant cranberry and a more subdued lighter cranberry. Both my sets are the subdued lighter cranberry. I'm okay with that.

Anyone on the fence regarding these because of the chicken knobs? They are so small and definitely aren't the focal point of the set. I think they're quite whimsical without being cutesy. I'm not into the chicken motif myself, but these add just enough character without being cutesy or even American country cutesy. I still think these are of a country French country whimsy, eclectic nature.