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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?

@KingstonsMom wrote:



Sounds delish!


Goodbye for awhile my awesome Friends, have a great, stupendous Thanksgiving Day full of fun, friends, family and especially FOOD!


This is the one time of year to pig out with an excuse! No insult intended to the pigs, LOL!


I will miss you all, especially now!Heart


Would you pklease let the Social Team know how unhappy you are (if you are) that I'm leaving the forums because of their accusation, which is NOT mentioned in the CC Standards!


I just don't appreciate being scolded when I did nothing against the CC Standards!





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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?

Made scalloped potatoes, cranberry sauce with orange rind, and sweet potatoes.

Tomorrow I will make Cream Cheese Pecan Pie w/home made crust, string beans with garlic,butter, almonds and make the extras I will put in the dressing i.e. celery, apple pieces,and onions.

If it was up to me, I'd eat all the Pie and forget the rest !

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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?

@happilyretiredgirl wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch Can you share your sweet and sour cucumber salad.  I have never heard of that and I love cucumbers.  I eat them almost everyday.  I just usually slice them with salt/pepper and vinegar or just dip them in ranch dressing.

@happilyretiredgirl  I thought I shared it yesterday (someone requested), but now I can't find it. 🤷‍♀️


Basically, all you do is peel and slice 3-4 cucumbers, salt them and let them sit a little while, while you complete the remaining steps.  Slice a few green onion and snip the green parts - set aside.  Make a dressing from equal parts of white vinegar and sugar - I personally use powdered monk fruit since I don't eat sugar.  The quantity can be adjusted according to the shape of your storage container and how much you find you'll need. For 3-4 cukes, start with a cup of each.  Whisk the vinegar and sugar to dissolve the sugar. Rinse the salt from the cucumber slices and drain.  Add the cucumber slices and onions to a storage container.  Make enough of the dressing so it will almost cover the cucumbers.  Let them sit In the fridge for at least 12 hrs. or overnight, but if you can do it a little longer, I think they're better. When you eat all the cukes, you can slice more and reuse the dressing again once.  I've also mixed some of the leftover dressing with avocado oil to make a salad dressing

FYI - if you find that your sugar isn't dissolving well, you csn gently warm the dressing in a saucepan until it's dissolved.  Let it cool before you add it to the cucumbers. 

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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?


Happy Thanksgiving Eve

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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?

help! can't get my food to stay put



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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?



I'm rather confused about what's going on.  Are you saying that the moderators accused you of starting too many new posts?

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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?


Looks delicious! Enjoy!

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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?

DH and I made the stuffing on Monday.  Today we will peel potatoes, turnip and carrots.

DD is bringing dessert so I'll be ready to rock early in the AM when I stuff the turkey and put it in the oven.  We're eating early, 1:00 or 1:30.   I see a nice bloody mary in my future, LOL!  Enjoy all, and @KingstonsMom hope that you both feel better for the holiday!  

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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?

[ Edited ]

will start today---turkey thighs in the crock pot for gravy fixings---, beef tenderloin thawing and will make the stuffing too. and that cheesecake is a thing of beauty!!!!

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Re: Have you started your T-Day cooking yet?

Just doing prep work today, that's more time consuming than the actual cooking IMO.