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Posts: 911
Registered: ‎08-15-2022

Re: Happy National Watermelon Day

I love watermelon,too........I bought one almost four weeks ago and things kept coming up.Yesterday I took it off the counter and sliced it thinking it was not good.......I was so was, is, delicious.

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Posts: 33,577
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Happy National Watermelon Day

Two days short as always, I just "butchered" 2 and put the innerds in the fridge.  Ate a little along the way Woman Embarassed!


BUT I DID buy them on the 4th!  LOVE love love watermelons!  My uncle grew them and a cousin grew them commercially and would sometimes leave 4 or 5 on the porch on his way to town to sell a bunch.