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Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

Years past, fruit on a lettuce leaf with a touch of mayo, cream cheese, or cottage cheese was used to round out a meal


When was the earliest time you experienced this please?

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

This was standard at my mom's table.  I was so young when she started it, I have no idea when it was.  My favorite was pear halves with a little shredded cheddar.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

[ Edited ]

When I was a kid, in the sixties, and we hosted large, sit down, family dinners with aunts, uncles, and cousins, my mom would always have a salad plate at each place setting with an iceberg lettuce leaf, scoop of cottage cheese, and either a peach half or pear half.  I think she left off the mayo because some were picky eaters.  She'd also have a small paper cup (4 oz., maybe) of V-8 or tomato juice at each place setting.  That was her extent of fancy entertaining. 

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

I have NEVER eaten fruit in a lettuce leaf in the past, nor would I eat it now.

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

@ECBG wrote:

Years past, fruit on a lettuce leaf with a touch of mayo, cream cheese, or cottage cheese was used to round out a meal


When was the earliest time you experienced this please?

@ECBG Never.  We had very complete, low fat meals and never had relish plates before or almost never had dessert.  Also mayo, cream cheese and cottage cheese weren't part of our meals.  We had green salad with the meal. 


So "never" was the earliest I've experienced this.  Woman Very Happy

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

[ Edited ]

Mom loved cottage cheese and fruit and we ate it in a dessert dish, but not on lettuce.  It was served to us on lettuce at school.  

No mayo or cream cheese was involved.

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

My grandmother would serve cottege cheese and fruit (usually peach halves) on a lettuce leaf.  I thought it was so fancy!  We would have that for lunch or a snack.  

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

I remember in the 70's this was commonly at diner counters or what we would call a "luncheonette".  Cottage cheese and fruit are common at salad bars.  I don't think we ate the lettuce though and I don't remember it with mayo.


A similar thing we serve at Easter is ambrosia salad-- fruit, marshmellow, and I think sour cream.  I love it, but don't make it.  LOL (obviously)

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

Oh yuck!  Thankfully, we never had that.


We did have cottage cheese and fruit...but never on lettuce or with Mayo or cream cheese.


I still eat fresh pineapple and cottage cheese for lunch or breakfast on occasion.

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Re: Fruit On A lettuce Leaf.......

I do remember a dollop of cottage cheese and a slice of pineapple on top.  It was on a lettuce leave (like Boston lettuce), but I don't think I ever ate the lettuce.  It kinda was to keep the plate from getting all mucky.


The thought of cottage cheese now....makes me gag.