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Re: February What's cooking at your house?

Good advice, Preds, and true.


Hope all is well with everyone. I have some good news to share. Went to VA Thursday, they changed medicines and it has made a world of difference. So happy. Nelson, much better,


Today is staring out sunny and bright. Should be in the low 70's. Would love to go to the beach but traffic here on week-ends is bad. So will wait till Monday.


Winifred, have you tried the ginger cookies at Trader Joe's? Was recommended to me and it is a best seller. Bought them and at first didn't like the strong ginger. Used them with coffee and love them. Will buy again.


Making breakfast and not much else today.


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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: February What's cooking at your house?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: February What's cooking at your house?


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: February What's cooking at your house?

Stayed busy yesterday and actually got some things done! Good for me!!


Will be heading down the Freeway to Beaumont in about 30 minutes or so to church - always look forward to that.


Last night Davey and I just cleaned out the Fridge and he added a frozen flat pizza. LOL. I should have cleaned the Fridge as it is filthy - how does it get that way so fast (I know, teens) but not up to a lot of work in the p.m. Maybe later today.


Hope all have a good day!

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: February What's cooking at your house?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: February What's cooking at your house?

@Preds, geez, it's like looking in the mirror!

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Posts: 975
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: February What's cooking at your house?

Good Morning,

And, yes, it is a good morning. Nelson is so much better (now that he is taking his medicine). Can't believe how much better he is feeling. Thanks all for your prayers and good thoughts.


Had a Cuban sandwich for lunch yesterday and last night we had steak sandwich made with leftover steak from Texas Road House on Saturday night.


Heading out for lunch at the golf course with friends. Nelson is playing golf again! Looking forward to a great day as the weather is now in the 70's for the week.


Best to all, enjoy this day.

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: February What's cooking at your house?


Honored Contributor
Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: February What's cooking at your house?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."