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I have finally semi mastered eggs over easy, but the sunny side up gives me grief. How do I get the top of the white totally done?{#emotions_dlg.confused1} It is too runny, while the yellow is done and the bottom white is done. I love eggs this way!! Love a runny yellow!!


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I cook on med-low heat and cover the pan after I put the eggs in. When they are almost but not quite done, I take them off the heat but leave them covered for another little bit (say while I'm buttering the toast), and this works really well.

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My experience is that if you want to get the top of the white totally done and in sync with the yellow, lower the flame to low, cover it for a minute or so, and the heat and moisture inside the pan will usually cook the tops of the eggs to perfection.

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Cover the pan so steam will cook the top.

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If you turn the eggs over for just a brief minute, they will be done on both sides, but the yolk will still be runny. And they taste so good cooked this way in a nonstick pan with just a spritz of cooking spray! Just that little bit of browned "frizzle" to add flavor, with very little fat.

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My mom taught me to splash a little water in the fry pan at the end, before covering and turning up the heat - I think it serves to steam the whole thing, and if you are lucky the timing is perfect - the yolk looks pink, the white is cooked through, and when you dip in with the toast it is great. Even better if you've used the same pan for bacon or sausage and it is draining on a paper towel.

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On 1/14/2015 GoodStuff said:

If you turn the eggs over for just a brief minute, they will be done on both sides, but the yolk will still be runny. And they taste so good cooked this way in a nonstick pan with just a spritz of cooking spray! Just that little bit of browned "frizzle" to add flavor, with very little fat.

Doesn't this ruin your pan? I've read many times that cooking spray will "kill" the nonstick quality of a pan. Not being critical - just curious about your results.

I do turn my eggs over. I never use cooking spray. I do put a very small coating of butter on the bottom before I put the egg in, so I get just a hint of the browning on the edges too, but it adds a little flavor.

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On 1/14/2015 GoodStuff said:

If you turn the eggs over for just a brief minute, they will be done on both sides, but the yolk will still be runny. And they taste so good cooked this way in a nonstick pan with just a spritz of cooking spray! Just that little bit of browned "frizzle" to add flavor, with very little fat.

Isn't that over easy, not sunny side up?

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I fry eggs on very low (the 2 setting). My range goes up to 9 (high). Preheat the pan well. I use butter. It takes awhile to preheat the pan on this low of a setting. Crack the egg and put it in. If it sputters, you have too high of a setting. When the egg finally gets to the point where you can just slide the spatula underneath it without the white running, flip it over for just a minute or two for over easy, a few minutes for over medium, and longer for anyone who wants it over hard. It's pretty easy to determine how set the yolk is just by very lightly compressing it with a spatula. Mine turn out perfect this way...with no frizzled edges.

BTW...As WenGirl pointed out, eggs cooked this way are "over easy." Sunny side up is when you do not flip the egg over.

Some people do drugs. I do shoes....Celine Dion
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On 1/14/2015 WenGirl42 said:
On 1/14/2015 GoodStuff said:

If you turn the eggs over for just a brief minute, they will be done on both sides, but the yolk will still be runny. And they taste so good cooked this way in a nonstick pan with just a spritz of cooking spray! Just that little bit of browned "frizzle" to add flavor, with very little fat.

Isn't that over easy, not sunny side up?
