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Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

I found a brand new small rectangular grill pan at the thrift store for $18!!!  It's small, but I cook for one, so the size is fine.  How well do they work and what kiinds of things do you grill on them?  Are they non-stick or should you use a little oil?  

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Re: Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

The one that gives you grill marks on steak?  If can be a bear to clean....between the groves.  Mine is the cover to the roaster but flip it over and cook a steak.  After a couple of times spending more time cleaning than eating......I ditched that idea.  Yes, use some oil - not much - and it can get hot fast so start on medium heat and increase as needed.

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Re: Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

   No Le Crueset here.  Sorry.

Have a big, beautiful round ridged grill pan from Calphalon, and a square, inexpensive one. Mine both have non-stick cooking surfaces, but I usually use a butter flavored canola no stick spray.


Just grilled the imported bratwurst on sale from Aldi, and a bag of mini sweet peppers.


Used this a few years ago to grill a 3lb bag of onions. Too small to peel &slice each onion. Grilled them right in their skins and used them as a side dish.



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Re: Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

[ Edited ]

@DecorDiva   I have one and use it to grill well marbled chops and steaks and do not use any additonal fats or oil.


A tiny squirt of Dawn liquid and some hot water wiping with a Dobie pad and a good rinse is all I use to keep it clean.


I let the pan do its job; if the meat doesn't release easily then it needs a little more time before flipping over to grill the other side.  And to negate the annoying "curl" I slash the fat on the edges of the meat every few inches before grilling on medium heat. 

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Re: Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

@aroc3435 @x Hedge @fthunt  - thanks for your replies about the grill.  Hopefully it won't be difficult to clean the grooves.



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Re: Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

I have one.  It is not non-stick so it is difficult to get completely "clean."  I clean it as well as I can, and pretty much let things burn off the next time I use it.  The best grill pans are not non-stick, because you want the very high heat (non-stick materials cannot handle heat that high) and the grill marks.  It's just the way that kind of thing works; it isn't going to look pristine like your other pans.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

I had one from one of the QVC lines years ago, not cast iron, probably non-stick.  Anyway,  I found I wasn't using it as I am a food poisoning fanatic and it always seemed like I wasn't getting the interior of the meat done.  As a friend of DH says, "you have bats in your belfry when it comes to food."  

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Re: Does anyone have a Le Creuset grill pan?

MIne is a large, flat oval, no grooves.  I love it.  I make burgers every Saturday night and there's nothing like it.  I do not use oil if I'm makiing something fatty like burgers, but I sometimes wipe a coating of oil on it with a paper towel, depending what I'm making.


I have a large sink that accommodates the entire pan.  I wait for it to cool somewhat, then let it soak with water and some soap.  Sometimes overnight.  Anything that was stuck comes off easily after soaking, but initially it does stick.  If you don't have a place to let it soak, it may not be a good choice for you.

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