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Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Does anyone else use/recommend food for medical problems?

I have been an RN for 29 years, and because of where I have worked, yes I have to use traditional medicine in my job, however, I will also offer other methods for certain medical conditions, for those who can not always afford traditional medications. Such as, saurkraut will cure a stomach ulcer, cheeries will prevent/and stop an accute attack of gout, sugar will heal a wound (my vet had me do this to an open wound on my dog), boiling shrimp shells and drinking the liquid with help with joint/ligament injuries (over the counter drug MSM), an onion cooked in a fire, and rubbed on the soles of a child's foot will cure upper respiratory infections, or a sliced onion by the bed can help you breath better at night, sea salt/apple cider vinegar on plaque psorasis will help remove plaque and decress lesion, apple cider vinegar gargles will cure sore throat/acute sinus problems............and I have many more. Any one else use food for cures/preventatives????????

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......