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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?

@LindaSal wrote:

I've always been a stocked up person.   Not to the point of craziness but I like the comfort of knowing we could survive many a day without power or if anything else happens??

  I am the type of person who doesn't like running out of things.  I do have a small pantry in my basement with some canned goods, rice and pasta's.  Lot's of paper products which came in very handy during the toilet paper crisis!   I also share with my adult kids if they are ever in need.


Oh yes and I wanted to add lots of bottled water.

We do the same and.always have.  My daughter and her family live next door now so stuff comes in handy.

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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?

@Rockycoast wrote:

Yes, we have supplies, always have. Living in the North East it is a given for most people. I love to can so we always have fruits, jams, sauces, veggies,etc.  We buy in bulk at the warehouse stores. Never without paper goods. 2 refrigerators and a stand alone freezer are full with meats, veggies and fruits.  Gas stove and wood burning stove don't need electricity so we are good for heat and cooking, baking.  We aren't survivalists.  Just common sense to have staples on hand for bad weather.        


You are so smart!!! Good job.

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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?

@kate2357 wrote:



My favorite meal on nights I'm not cooking is toast w/ peanut butter. Oh baby it's good. And if I'm all in - I add the good raspberry preserves on top. Tasty. Peanut butter spread on a tortilla and nuked for 10 seconds, then rolled like a burrito is also wonderful. Smiley Happy


A fellow peanut butter lover!!! yeah!!

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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?

Since I retired, my grocery shopping trips equal out to 1/2 of what I buy is for use right now, and 1/2 for restocking my pantry supply.   I am always ahead.   

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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?

It's not like we have a bunker full of food, but I have enough canned and frozen food to get us through the better part of a month. If we had a big storm, it's stuff like bread and milk we'd run out of first, but we certainly wouldn't starve.

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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?

Always...I live in the boonies..I also keep sternos..It takes a while and using 4 or 5 in a  deeper heat proof pan..put a cookie cooling rack on top..some things can be heated in a small pan or pot.

Our house is all electric.

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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?


@qualitygal wrote:

I have some, need to probably add a few more.  Esp. canned foods?  Or do you do any canning?  Wish I did canning.


We live where it snows and power goes out, so yes, we have supplies of canned food, paper goods, all sorts of things.  I started this practice when I had to drag myself out of the house, sick, for tissues.   Never looked back.

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Re: Do you have some "emergency" supplies on hand (food stuffs)?

GIN.  Extra supplies of gin, tonic water and limes!  The brand of gin that I have recently come to love is Hendrick's.  It is produced and bottled in Scotland.  Now, I always knew Scotland made good scotch whiskey, but just recently I found out about their extra good gin.