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David Eating During Sunday Shows!

Wow!  How can he eat that much?  He seems to be eating more today and I usually see him eating!


I'm overweight but if I ate like he did, I'd weigh 600 lbs.  I'm always impressed at how much he's able to eat.

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Wow!  How can he eat that much?  He seems to be eating more today and I usually see him eating!


I'm overweight but if I ate like he did, I'd weigh 600 lbs.  I'm always impressed at how much he's able to eat.

i think that's why he does the happy burn calories!!!

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

It looks like he gained a lot of weight.

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

[ Edited ]

3rd cookbook coming out, he has to be sure it all tastes great.  His neck is a bit rounder, but hey, whose isn't?  LOL

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

He can eat like that because he has so many food shows -- the more he eats, the more his stomach expands and he has to refill.  He has put weight on over the years.  It's a hazard of his job.  I think he does not appear to be much of a physical fitness person, but again -- his job puts him at risk.  Also the food he presents are not really healthy foods.  It will catch up with him, unfortunately, as he ages.

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@nana59 You made me smile!  I heard Sharon (who often does the dinner eating shows) that someone asked her how she's able to eat so many things during these shows.


She said on the air that in the beginning she'd go home so full she was uncomfortable.  But she said she finally learned how to take little nibbles from each thing and that way she isn't uncomfortable when she goes home.


I started paying attention and noticed she does take nibbles.  


I think that's why I noticed David eating maybe 4 of those little piggies right in the beginning.  I think normally he'd have eaten maybe 1 or 2 of them.  Just seemed like more than he usually eats to start with.


Not criticizing him.  I enjoy watching him eat.  I have a friend who can and does eat like that.  Over the years she's gained some weight but isn't obese.  She loves, loves to eat!


I had lunch with her on Friday at PF Chang's restaurant.  She ate and ate.  Then she took home all (and I mean there were a lot of leftovers).  She wanted to order appetizers (which I only ate 1 lettuce leaves) and 2 other appetizers.  Then we each ordered a huge amount of food!


She took all of it home and texted me that she and her husband (mainly her) had eaten for dinner all of the leftovers!  


My late husband was like that.  My friend is an amazing cook.  We all agreed that it was a good thing MY husband wasn't married to her or he'd weigh 600 lbs.  Ha!

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Wow!  How can he eat that much?  He seems to be eating more today and I usually see him eating!


I'm overweight but if I ate like he did, I'd weigh 600 lbs.  I'm always impressed at how much he's able to eat.



@Annabellethecat66  Men can eat like a horse, and when they lose weight, they lose it faster than women, not fair.  David is very tall, and he has gained some weight since he began hosting his in the kitchen, lol, maybe he works out.

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@mousiegirl Yes, unfortunately what you say is true.  So, I've gone to every weight loss company known.


I will never forget being at Weight Watchers weighing in and us females would be taking off clothes like crazy (getting ready to be weighed).  We'd leave on enough to not expose ourselves, but every ounce counted.


Meanwhile there'd be males in line, totally dressed, even wing-tipped shoes still on!  They'd get on the scale and guessed it....lost weight.  Not just ounces, but lbs here and there!


The leaders would try to let the guys so last because the females would get so upset they had to calm us down!  Ha!  I know she'd say, "Males just don't hold the weight (generally) as much as femals do".  Boy!  Was she right!


As time went on.  The males would reach their weight goal and us females would still be weighing in!

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

It looks like he gained a lot of weight.

He does not look healthy..


happy yes....


healthy no.


I hope he has his cholesterol checked AND HAS HIS YEARLY PHYSICALS( many men do not)


As the junk David consumes that QVC sells is laden with sodium, saturated fats and sugar.   That spells HEART ATTACK.  Add that to  having a belly....Toxic.

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

My TV guide calls this a cooking show. Lol, it’s nothing but a prepared eating show. I have basically given up on ITKWD because every time I check in it’s processed food or a Dyson vacuum.