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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Covington Sweet Potatoes YUM YUM

A man at my church grows these. It is a brand or type of sweet potato. He gave me some to give to my mom for Thanksgiving. She came to my house for a few days and I cooked them for Thanksgiving. I washed them and put them in a pot of water, bring them to a boil and cooked them until they were fork tender. I took them out and let them cool enough to peel them. I sliced them crosswise and put them in a baking dish. I cooked enough for a 9 inch square pan, enough for 4 people. The syrup recipe is from a local church that has an ingathering, where they sell plates of BBQ Pork or BBQ Chicken or Chicken Salad to make $$ for their church. I always look forward to the ingatherings in my area. One church does a Turkey and Dressing Plate. YUM YUM. Back to the syrup recipe:

Ingathering Sweet Potato Syrup Recipe

3/4 + 2 T sugar

4 T butter

1 1/4 T water

dash of salt

1 t lemon juice ( I used 1 packet of True Lemon)

1/4 t cinnamon

Put all in a saucepan and heat until the sugar is dissolved. Pour over the cooked sweet potatoes and heat in the oven until bubbly.