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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

I can't eat anything with Splenda either. It gives me stomach problems and bathroom problems (TMI). I tried Stevia and hate the taste. I finally just got used to using nothing or if I have to have something sweet, I use real sugar.

I "thought" I HAD to have sweetener on my oatmeal in the AM, but I don't. After you get used to it, it tastes fine without any.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 KYToby said:

If you have questions or concerns, speaking to a physician or registered dietician would be a better option. There are many "experts" on these boards who are clearly misinformed and have very little knowledge of biochemistry or nutrition (despite what they may think).

There is a reason medical professionals spend years studying and training. The knowledge the experience they possess cannot be replicated by spending a few minutes using Google and visiting junk science websites.

No offense but I personally don't think most physicians are all that informed. I think they should be but there are lots of areas they must keep up on and it's hard for them to know everything. I believe most of them are still recommending a diet of mostly "whole grains" and lots of people, including me, think those are killing us too. Back in the 60's doctors thought formula was better than breast milk. Guess what? The tests they used were flawed. Lately the limitations on salt are being questioned and now they admit that eating cholesterol (think eggs) does NOT raise your body's cholesterol. "They" make a lot of mistakes too and I think we all have to make sure we are informed from many sources, not just take the doc's word as gospel. IMO Smiley Wink

Maybe there's a reason it's called "practicing" medicine.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 KYToby said:

If you have questions or concerns, speaking to a physician or registered dietician would be a better option. There are many "experts" on these boards who are clearly misinformed and have very little knowledge of biochemistry or nutrition (despite what they may think).

There is a reason medical professionals spend years studying and training. The knowledge the experience they possess cannot be replicated by spending a few minutes using Google and visiting junk science websites.

I can't imagine how often some people must go to the Dr! The OP said it wasn't a big upset stomach, just odd. Every time someone asks a question, even about the simplest thing someone jumps in and says go to the Dr. What happened to using a little common sense and asking questions and taking initial steps to resolve an problem before going to the Dr? No wonder our health care costs are through the roof and the system overloaded!

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 Molmagmom said:

I have problems with Splenda also……discovered this years ago. I also can not tolerate any of the 'tols….malitol, sorbitol, xylitol. Totally exaggerates my IBS symptom. Aspartame and stevia do not although I try to keep aspartame to a minimum.

Those nasty 'tols - same here! Splenda doesn't contain them, though - but it does contain maltodextrin and sucralose, 2 other ingredients I try to stay away from . I also have an 'ose' sensitivity (lactose & fructose specifically).

I use Stevita stevia clear liquid extract- from Amazon. 3 teeny drops is perfect for a big mug of coffee! Absolutely no aftertaste, my coffee is delish!

I bought the powder version but it's so difficult to gauge the portion, the teeniest too much makes my coffee overly sweet.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 Raider Fan said:

I think all of those artificial sweeteners are akin to poison. There are natural sweeteners from plants you can use that will satisfy your sweet craving and you will not be playing a dangerous game with your body. You are on the internet so you can find them and they are in your local super market. Good Luck.

I totally agree. They are poison. I get headaches as well as tummy troubles. Diet sodas are the worst. My DH was drinking 1 diet soda a day and said his wrists and hands were aching. Told him to stop and use the small can of regular soda. 3 days later he had no aches & pains. The natural sweetners are much better.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

Try using some science to eliminate the causal factors of your problem. Unfortunately, it is impossible to control all the variables in your situation, but you could try not using any sweetner for a week, then try only the Splenda for a week, then repeat this for next two weeks. You still will not know for sure, because there are so many other variables, but you could get some idea. Write down when your stomach is upset during the trials. Of course, everything from what you eat and drink to the time of day you do everything affects your digestion and these variables will make your results somewhat unreliable. You could also just google know side effects associated with Splenda use and see if your symptoms are noted.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

Thanks again, ladies.

And I just need to point out again that this is/was not a huge medical concern. If it was, I would go to the Dr. However, since it isn't, and I'm a Community member and like hearing everyone's opinions and experiences, I chose to put my question out here on the boards.

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

glmama - please keep us posted - if Stevia continues to work well. I would like to know

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Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 glmama said:

Thanks again, ladies.

And I just need to point out again that this is/was not a huge medical concern. If it was, I would go to the Dr. However, since it isn't, and I'm a Community member and like hearing everyone's opinions and experiences, I chose to put my question out here on the boards.

OP-I'm glad that you posted this topic. You probably helped someone to consider options to splenda. My decision to stop using splenda and to switch to stevia was do to a conversation that I had with a good friend who enjoys cycling, thus a very healthy diet. After hearing him inform me of the dangers of even small uses of splenda type products, I switched to stevia on his recommendation, and I like stevia. He said even regular sugar was better than splenda. Not all good health advice needs to come from a doctor, but it's always good to make a list of questions like this or about supplements, vitamins etc and review the list with your doctor at your next visit.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Could Splenda be upsetting my tummy?

On 6/11/2014 KYToby said:

If you have questions or concerns, speaking to a physician or registered dietician would be a better option. There are many "experts" on these boards who are clearly misinformed and have very little knowledge of biochemistry or nutrition (despite what they may think).

There is a reason medical professionals spend years studying and training. The knowledge the experience they possess cannot be replicated by spending a few minutes using Google and visiting junk science websites.


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