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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!




I'm beginning to think they are trolling customers.....can you imagine the strategy meeting when discussing the "new product" offering and how to push it?


Let's look in shall we?...


We join the group of hosts and Management in the QVC conference room.


On the table is a display of three HALF chickens, dusted with smoked paprika. It is artfully arranged on a Temptations platter ( only 45.00 on Easy Pay!!)


The famous "chef" Carla Hall, looks on as the QVC head of food prep launches his speil:


"I think we can realisticially ask 99.99 for this offering....and we can loudly bray that it's UNDER one hundred dollars for "premium" chicken, with "special" spices on it ( He holds up a can of McCormick Salt/pepper/smoked paprika mixture)...


"We can say its "southern" special spices!!! That'll give Venable the chance to relate stories of his sainted mother preparing such chicken when he was a boy, on the hearth in thier humbledirt floored cabin in the N.Carolina woods ( before he bought her that McMansion with his "Q" salary...not that there's anything wrong with that!!)...


"He can Happy Dance it a few times to distract the viewers from the price.....which IS admittedly high ( We in W. Chester Pa, you can buy two WHOLE chickens AND the spices AND the fuel to cook it) for about 20.00 total)...but we know now that we can charge ANYTHING for locally available foods and the customers will PAY..PAY...PAY!!!  ....


ANd Easy Pay will make sure they're still paying for this "special chicken" at Christmas!!!


Rachel  and Alberti...( he says, looking at Ms. Boesing and Mr Popaj)...Make sure you squeeze the heck out of the chicken to show how juicy it is!!!


And make a YumYum face....and Rachel...when you mention the price, immediately go into your cackle and laughter so they don't realize how RIDICULOUS the price is!!! LIck your fingers too!!! Distract with extreme prejudice!!!! jump around beside up to the camera and laugh at how outrageous this chicken is and how special the opportunity to get soaked buying it!!!


We'll sell thousands of them!!!


Any questions? OK team...good luck!!!"



We see the  famous chef is now sitting in her chair, head bent....she's been browsing the new Mercedes catalog on her phone...thinking about which one she'll buy when this sells out in ten minutes!!!



Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,534
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

The chicken is selling for $30.... $10 each.


The cooler, ice, packaging, and fast shipment fees total $70.





Posts: 66
Registered: ‎02-05-2012

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

Very entertaining read Othereeeen!! But seriously QVC should be ashamed of themselves for pushing this overpriced food on people who just can't look away and say NO! I know a couple of them and they are buying buying all the time! Yes if you have so much money fine...but maybe share with your local food Bank instead hmmm?
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Registered: ‎02-14-2017

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

Should I start a thread about every product Q shows that I’m not going to buy?
Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,534
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

@Irishgirl555 wrote:
Very entertaining read Othereeeen!! But seriously QVC should be ashamed of themselves for pushing this overpriced food on people who just can't look away and say NO! I know a couple of them and they are buying buying all the time! Yes if you have so much money fine...but maybe share with your local food Bank instead hmmm?

What?  It is not like QVC is forcing anyone to watch or to buy anything.


Everyone is responsible for their own actions.  People can't look away and say " no."  What?


If you know such people, what are you doing to help them?  If they're buying all of the time, they either have money or are irresponsible.  Either way, it has nothing to do with QVC.  

How do these people manage to drive by a Tesla dealer's car lot?

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,960
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

I personally thought the price was outrageous but if you can afford ..go for it. It's your money an you can spend it as you wish. I never want to tell others how to spend THEIR money.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,184
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

[ Edited ]



Yep people ARE responsible for thier own decisions....



That would include being a Gulla Billy ( Believing the hyperbole without stopping to think, compare and evaluate).


And admittedly, there's a reason why QVC charges so much...because they can!! They are a business,in it to  make money, and we all know what  PT Barnum once so famously observed:


"There's a fool born every minute!!!!"...( or some such)....."Let's sell them three half chickens for 100.00 ...if they sell out, next week we'll raise it to 125.00!!!"


I like QVC!!! Tune in several times a day just for the fun of it!!



And remember folks...people bought PET ROCKS by the millions!!!! 


Rocks !!!!  for crying out loud!!!!




I hope it stays on forever so I never have to go back to the OTHER sales presentations on every other channel and genre!!!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,945
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

@Othereeeen wrote:




I'm beginning to think they are trolling customers.....can you imagine the strategy meeting when discussing the "new product" offering and how to push it?


Let's look in shall we?...


We join the group of hosts and Management in the QVC conference room.


On the table is a display of three HALF chickens, dusted with smoked paprika. It is artfully arranged on a Temptations platter ( only 45.00 on Easy Pay!!)


The famous "chef" Carla Hall, looks on as the QVC head of food prep launches his speil:


"I think we can realisticially ask 99.99 for this offering....and we can loudly bray that it's UNDER one hundred dollars for "premium" chicken, with "special" spices on it ( He holds up a can of McCormick Salt/pepper/smoked paprika mixture)...


"We can say its "southern" special spices!!! That'll give Venable the chance to relate stories of his sainted mother preparing such chicken when he was a boy, on the hearth in thier humbledirt floored cabin in the N.Carolina woods ( before he bought her that McMansion with his "Q" salary...not that there's anything wrong with that!!)...


"He can Happy Dance it a few times to distract the viewers from the price.....which IS admittedly high ( We in W. Chester Pa, you can buy two WHOLE chickens AND the spices AND the fuel to cook it) for about 20.00 total)...but we know now that we can charge ANYTHING for locally available foods and the customers will PAY..PAY...PAY!!!  ....


ANd Easy Pay will make sure they're still paying for this "special chicken" at Christmas!!!


Rachel  and Alberti...( he says, looking at Ms. Boesing and Mr Popaj)...Make sure you squeeze the heck out of the chicken to show how juicy it is!!!


And make a YumYum face....and Rachel...when you mention the price, immediately go into your cackle and laughter so they don't realize how RIDICULOUS the price is!!! LIck your fingers too!!! Distract with extreme prejudice!!!! jump around beside up to the camera and laugh at how outrageous this chicken is and how special the opportunity to get soaked buying it!!!


We'll sell thousands of them!!!


Any questions? OK team...good luck!!!"



We see the  famous chef is now sitting in her chair, head bent....she's been browsing the new Mercedes catalog on her phone...thinking about which one she'll buy when this sells out in ten minutes!!!



will admit that similar scenarios play in my head when Kim and Isaac mention how much modal cotton tees cost, when I bought 2 for $20 and the easy pay for theirs is 3 at almost $20


so yes they ask and people pay 

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,500
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

As far as I know this is still the USA where products are offered and people are free to buy or not. 


-People are free to voice their opinions on said product or not. 

-People are free to try and keep others from buying said product or not

-People are free to make their own choices and buy said product or not


Do and buy what you want!  

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Posts: 16,449
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Carla Hall chicken outrageous $$$$$!

That just cracks me upWoman LOL---I can't get over how people think that they can cook chicken that warrants that kind of money??!! I cook a pretty MEAN bird myself----would NEVER waste that much $$ on a bird and 1/2----I don't care who cooks it---good grief!!!